View Full Version : LOTS OF YOU-TUBE ZR-1 VIDS - ENJOY

11-14-2010, 12:50 PM
ZR-1 & Callaway Twin-Turbo Corvette Test by Motorweek News.

1994 Corvette ZR-1 test drive

1991 Corvette ZR-1 0-60 and 0-100

90' ZR-1 passes 07' Z06

1990 zr1 and 2007 z06 wide open

ZR1 Corvette The King Of The Hill

1991 Corvette C4 ZR1 LT5 Engine Running Tested Dyno

LT5 start up and revving

Forum member "Kevin" - 441CID - Start-Up.
ZR-1 LT5 441 comes alive!

SRP Supercharged ZR-1 (LT5) #1

SRP Supercharged ZR-1 (LT5) #2

Forum Member "ZR-1 Pete" and the Monster 350CID
C4 ZR1 Corvette, 11 second 129 mph King of the Hill

sick fast C4 ZR1 at the track --- 10.6s @ 134MPH

C4 ZR1 at Bandimere, 4-2-2010 -- 12.08s @ 113MPH

C4 ZR1 beats C6 -- 12.54s @ 114.8MPH


C4 Vette - ZR1 gets a quick run with an S2000

Modded C4 ZR-1 vs ZR1

1990 Corvette ZR1 with new Corsa exhaust, first start

ZR-1 with Corsa Power Pulse Exhaust

Custom ZR-1 On Highway

ZR-1 B&B Exhaust Early Version

ZR-1 Early B&B Part II

ZR-1 1/4 Mile 13.29 109mph

1990 Corvette ZR1

1990 Corvette ZR-1 -- B&B EXHAUST


1992 Corvette ZR-1 owner's video - Intro

1992 Corvette ZR-1 owner's video - Performance review

Corvette ZR1

1991 ZR-1 #1147 Dyno Pull

1990 Atomic Orange Callaway ZR1.

1992 ZR-1 Dyno Run ---FBI MEMBER

440 ci LT5 stroker built by Haibeck Automotive.
680 HP LT5 ZR-1 Drag race -- 11.14s @ 131.7

91 ZR1 All motor, no nitrous and still has the 6speed!
This is a 10.57@134 pass which is the fastest naturally aspirated, untubbed, 6speed ZR1 ever caught on video. If the car was slowed down to low 11's the mph would be close to 140...Now that is making power!

"FAST LANE" VIDS ==================================

Worlds fastest quickest ZR1 Corvette

My FAV "FAST LANE" VID -Just luv the 9 second run-Listen to the high Rev's of the LT-5
Worlds fastest ZR1 IN CAR VIDEO

Worlds fastest ZR1 Corvette

Lane Goldstein and his daughter at the strip.
Worlds fastest quickest ZR1 Corvette 9.00 Pass
9.00 seconds @ 151.53 MPH


11-14-2010, 02:54 PM
does anyone know anything about fastlane's car?

I know Lane sold it, but haven't heard anything about the car since

shame if this bad boy is moth balled and just a museum piece now

seen that car make some very nice passes, some amazing engineering

many of you old guys might remember lane's 377 (approx ci) motor that made 700 hp, I believe he sold it also but don't know who has it now.

thanks for the links, good stuff

Paul Workman
11-21-2010, 11:19 AM
After watching various racing videos with the ZR-1 vs. other Vettes, AND fresh from an all Corvette Challenge day, I can't help but come back to this one...


...One can't help but have an appreciation for the amazing potential the LT5 has.



11-21-2010, 11:32 AM
the 1991 #1147 dyno pull is my Red/Saddle that I sold earlier this year... :)

11-21-2010, 01:53 PM
91 ZR1 All motor, no nitrous and still has the 6speed!
This is a 10.57@134 pass which is the fastest naturally aspirated, untubbed, 6speed ZR1 ever caught on video. If the car was slowed down to low 11's the mph would be close to 140...Now that is making power!

Just saw/read this.
What a load of crap.
So if i slow my Z down to 14's i should run 160 in the 1/4 LMFAO.
I would edit/delete that part any real drag racer reads it will be LOL.

That car does move out good,what is the elavation at that track most of us live above sea level not below.
It will probably loose about 1-2 MPH at BG so it will be as fast as Docs Z (DDSLT5)

By the way this is the fastest,has run 10.40's just not on tape.

Bryan,"i love you man" but whoever wrote/said that gave me a good laugh,thanks.


11-22-2010, 12:23 AM
No need for cover guys --

Those are the owners own words from his video post on you tube.

He will have to be the one to explain his own comment.

As per usual I am only the messenger -- er should I say "reposter" of the already existing!

Big b

11-22-2010, 03:24 AM
Bryan,i know your just the massenger i just had a good laugh with it.

My experience with the Z,better the 60ft better the MPH.

Most Z drag racers i know also experience the same.
Try it for yourself.:flag2:


11-22-2010, 10:36 AM
"My experience with the Z,better the 60ft better the MPH."

Yes logic would dictate that unless it was

"If he had a slow start, then gave it hell the last 1/8 mile. He could achieve 140 mph and have a higher elapsed time as well as a higher top end speed."

But looking at the launch and the first 1/8th we can conclude this is not the case.

Plus >> "That car does move out good,what is the elevation at that track most of us live above sea level not below.
It will probably loose about 1-2 MPH at BG so it will be as fast as Docs Z (DDSLT5) "

So in the end I agree with Pete about the MPH of 140 by going 11's. It is a LOLOL

The only way for 140 is more torque on the hole shot and higher HP to push the rev's on the top end.

Which IMO is to go lower in ET not slower. The exact opposite.

At least that is a logical argument.

Here is some info I found that looks good to me and supports the conclusion.

net HP = Weight x (Speed/228)^3

ET, however is based mostly on the driver's skills in launching and shifting, and on tires and suspension, to transfer the horsepower to the road. You can calculate your approximate ET from the mph obtained, using the following formula:

ET = 1350/Speed



11-22-2010, 11:01 AM
Bryan,i know your just the massenger i just had a good laugh with it.

My experience with the Z,better the 60ft better the MPH.

Most Z drag racers i know also experience the same.
Try it for yourself.:flag2:

Pete i have to agree with pete on this after going through my time slips . its kinda weird that it is this way but what he says is true . when i ran my first 11sec time the car started off that night running12.156@116.67 with a 1.950 60ft then it ran 11.945@117.90mph witha 1.873 60ft.

11-22-2010, 01:06 PM



11-22-2010, 02:12 PM
For what it's worth, my car dyno'd 380 rwhp and runs 116mph in the 1/4.

11-22-2010, 02:33 PM
Figure a stock 90-92 is around 330 RWHP

The Graph shows around 107 MPH.

The Chart on the ZR-1 Reg. Home Page confirms that the graph is a good appx. for Weight vs HP. Even though the weight should be extrapolated to 3400 #'s it seems to work well at the 3200# curve

Hey it is all approx's in the first place but it gives you a general idea.

One of the members has a real good chart (program) with the gear ratios figured in.


11-22-2010, 05:19 PM



11-22-2010, 05:50 PM
"Neither of those examples are stock which is what I thought you were presenting at first."

Right the RWHP is about 330 and 345 for the stock ZR-1's.

I picked 375 and 405 since many of the Modded ZR-1's come in around these figures.

IE: Cat back Exhaust -- Clutch Improvements -- New Chip -- P&P on IM and Heads.

These will get ya to the 375 to 400+ RWHP.

It is funny I picked those two points -- must be because they are ingrained is my head. LOL

11-22-2010, 06:07 PM
i have to agree with pete on this after going through my time slips . its kinda weird that it is this way but what he says is true . when i ran my first 11sec time the car started off that night running12.156@116.67 with a 1.950 60ft then it ran 11.945@117.90mph witha 1.873 60ft.to take this a little further if i use the drag time da calc for july 24@11.11 pm @famoso raceway bakersfield ca. that run comes out to11.53@122.60 the car dynod @409.9rwhp and 373.6 tq. all the graphs are good tools for an aproxamation to know the cars potental =or - about a half a sec.best test is still real world timeslips .jmho

11-22-2010, 06:49 PM
Yes we agree real world is best Sammy.

See the extra MPH you have is what Pete calls the "Sea Level Advantage" Plus that cool night air density helped as well.

It looks like you got an extra 7 to 8 MPH over the Graph.

Bet you had a good 60 launch as well on that one.

11-22-2010, 08:42 PM
the 11.94 run was on july 24 @11.11 pm and the temp was 87deg and the da was 2883.my 60 ft was 1.804which is largely due to the new nitto nto5r tires . . i have another set of 275x40x17 nittos which i think might help lower my 60fts because of the taller sidewall might work out better with the manual trans . the 315x35 series sidewalls seem to stiff to launch the car consistantly. i would love to have the da s that the east coast guys seem to have at different time of the year. so i wouldnt have to use the da calc at drag times, guess one cant have everything .lol. what i love is how our cars blow people away at the strip with how well they run . i remember one guy in a srt8 challenger walking by my car saying i can beat that pos c4 to his buddies . wouldnt you know it we got lined up later that night and i ran a 12.33 to to his 13.48. my buddies went up after and asked him how he liked getting his doors blown off by a pos c4. the look on his face was priceless.:dancing

11-22-2010, 10:24 PM
"The look on his face was priceless."

Great kick butt story Sammy!

Guess the olde POS Pentroof LT-5 smoked his bad boy Hemi -- LOLOL

Even though there are times I wish the ZR-1 stood out more from a regular C4 (Car Show in my home town on Mondays) the stealth of our Z is great for things just like this tale of yours.

Let em think a regular old C4 just blew them away -- tis better they not not the real truth.

They deserve to be in a quandary and perplexed and the priceless look on their faces makes ZR-1 stealth ownership worth every penny.

My favorite thing to tell a guy going for a ride in the Z for the first time with me is --
Give me 20 seconds and I will show you 150 MPH. Do you know a road around here we can go 150 safe on?
You should see the look on their faces. Like a deer in the headlamps look.
Then they always say 'you ain't really gonna go that fast with me today are ya?'
"Naw we will keep it to only 125 today since I can tell you are worried. We can do that in about 15 seconds."

Next they always ask 'Well just how fast does this Vette really go?'
I answer -- "Well how fast is enough for you?"
Usually they shut up now and quit asking questions.

By now we have them out on the back county roads and I come to a complete stop.
I fiddle with the ride control and the traction control buttons and for good measure double check the 'power on' key. I ask em if their belt is tight and snug and if they are ready to experience the ZR-1.

Usually they mumble softly 'Well I guess so'
So I say well here we go hold on tight.

A nice 3,500 rpm clutch dump --burn rubber 50+ feet in first --- a nice squawk into 2nd and a pretty chirp into 3rd.
We never even hit 4th (cuz I promised under 125) and shut down around 113-117 == pretty much the 1/4 mile run.

After slow down to the double nickle I look over at em and say -- "Well how was that?"
My banker gave me the best to date answer (He is an old Trans-Am guy from his high school days)

"Holy Crap this thing is a rocket ship -- You better be careful or ur gonna kill yourself in it."
I said -- "Hell we still have 3 gears left -- we never even put it into 4th!"
He just shook his head. I said -- "Should we go find a longer road and test 4th gear?"
"No Thanks-- That was more than enough for me today!"

This is why I luv my Z. Times just like this with my friends and biz partners.

And I wonder why many of them never take me up on a ride in my Speed Boat "Bad Attitude"???



I spent more on the blower motor by itself than I did the entire ZR-1 --- This is why the FBI guys never see me in the spring-summer-fall or at the drag strip or either BG event -- too busy having fun on Bad Attitude. It sits on a boat rack in my back yard on the Fox River with my Sea-Doo.




My Off Shore Boat Club (who the wife and I spend all the boat times with)
>>> http://www.nioffshore.com/

My best friend & mechanic (built my blower motor and keeps the ZR-1 runnin well) and he is more crazy about speed than myself. -- Big Mike and his bad boy triple 42 Fountain


Yes this boat is scary fast!!! And this is just his pleasure boat -- some day I will post some pic's of his canopy Fountain 42' race boat. He is a Mopar nut and has owned just about every model Mopar -- But he was so impressed with my Z he went out and bought a black on black vert C5 for kicks and grins. He is into bad boy Harleys as well.

Paul Workman
11-23-2010, 05:41 AM
the 11.94 run was on july 24 @11.11 pm and the temp was 87deg and the da was 2883.my 60 ft was 1.804which is largely due to the new nitto nto5r tires . . i have another set of 275x40x17 nittos which i think might help lower my 60fts because of the taller sidewall might work out better with the manual trans . the 315x35 series sidewalls seem to stiff to launch the car consistantly. i would love to have the da s that the east coast guys seem to have at different time of the year. so i wouldnt have to use the da calc at drag times, guess one cant have everything .lol. what i love is how our cars blow people away at the strip with how well they run . i remember one guy in a srt8 challenger walking by my car saying i can beat that pos c4 to his buddies . wouldnt you know it we got lined up later that night and i ran a 12.33 to to his 13.48. my buddies went up after and asked him how he liked getting his doors blown off by a pos c4. the look on his face was priceless.:dancing

LOL! I heard someone in the stands say something similar, referring to Pete's "pos C4" lining up against a C6 that was driven by a member of the Chicago Corvettes (club). Pete ran an 11.4x vs. a low 12.x by the C6. There was a lot of :jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop: going on in the stands. Best laugh in 2008 for me!=D>


Bob G
11-23-2010, 08:40 AM
question, How do you get a ZR-1 down to 3200 lbs with driver?

11-23-2010, 10:24 AM
question, How do you get a ZR-1 down to 3200 lbs with driver?

Bob you know this answer already - you would have to strip the piss out of the ZR-1 and have real skinny guy drive.

I think you missed my comment on post #13

"The Chart on the ZR-1 Reg. Home Page confirms that the graph is a good appx. for Weight vs HP. Even though the weight should be extrapolated to 3400 #'s it seems to work well at the 3200# curve

Hey it is all approx's in the first place but it gives you a general idea."

So since it was working well @ 3,200 we did not extrapolate to 3,400#'s.

But in the search for true perfection ---- Just for you Bob -- Well Dyno will like it too! :cheers:


11-23-2010, 10:31 AM
Figure a stock 90-92 is around 330 RWHP

The Graph shows around 107 MPH.

The Chart on the ZR-1 Reg. Home Page confirms that the graph is a good appx. for Weight vs HP. Even though the weight should be extrapolated to 3400 #'s it seems to work well at the 3200# curve

Hey it is all approx's in the first place but it gives you a general idea.

One of the members has a real good chart (program) with the gear ratios figured in.


The 90's really are the fastest Z's! Dang, bought the wrong year.

11-23-2010, 01:13 PM
question, How do you get a ZR-1 down to 3200 lbs with driver?neither of my cars are lightened except for the removal of air system when i installed headers ,oh plus the removal of the spare tire and jack . my 90 weighs 3440 and the 92 3505 weighed on the scales at the strip.mark haibeck has weight savings ideas on his site.

11-23-2010, 01:28 PM
brain ,love that boat, wish i was close enough to a good lake to have one . the banker deal gave me a big smile , reminds me of a hotrod buddy whos house i drove over to when i first got my zr1. i said want to go for a ride .he said why its just a smogged out vet. thought the pink windshield was cool . so i did much like you took him out to a quiet road and nailed it from about a 5 mile an hr roll her fat but kinda went back and forth hazing the tires ,rubber in second, at that point he said the famous quote holy sh!t, hit 6500 in third and let off . he made me pull over and pop the clam shell. when he saw the motor he said wtf is that . i said that is the motor that comes with a zr1.he had never seen one before . he now owns his own 90 and loves freaking out his friends with it .as well as his brother who owns a c5 zo6 and loses every time they race .

11-23-2010, 01:29 PM
opps sorry i spelled your name wrong

Bob G
11-23-2010, 11:45 PM

11-24-2010, 07:40 AM
question, How do you get a ZR-1 down to 3200 lbs with driver?

Take the engine out !

11-24-2010, 10:13 AM
then the car would be about 2800lbs . you could call it the zen zr1 :notworthy