View Full Version : Crown Point Challenge REDOUX on SAT!!

Paul Workman
10-27-2010, 08:17 AM
The rain makeup day for the Crown Point Corvette Challenge (http://www.crownpointvettes.org/)is this coming Saturday!! Hopefully most of the FBI gang will be there, but we Z pilotz need the rest of y'all in the area to lend a hand!;)

Too bad George had to get back home. It would have been especially special to see the "Black Widow#2" pounce - especially with his fresh tune (via that crazy Greek dude...who's name escapes me just now;))

I intend to be there, and Pete said he would be there, and I believe Dom and Jimmac is planning on it. Haven't heard from Marc H or the the rest of the gang, but I hope Bob G and his 427 LT5 and Al and Kevin with their 441s can make it as well. What a show that would/WILL make! (Put the fear of "Z" in the hearts and minds of fellow Vette nutz!:jawdrop:)

Who else is commin???


PS 10/29/10 weather hour by hour forcast (http://www.weather.com/outlook/recreation/boatandbeach/hourbyhour/graph/USIN0444?begHour=6&begDay=303#hhView). Wow! Couldn't get much better than this for some serious drag racing!! Time to turn all these LT5 horses loose, wouldn't ya say!?

11-01-2010, 02:58 PM
So who all made it and how did everyone run?

I know about Dominic already

Paul Workman
11-01-2010, 05:02 PM
So who all made it and how did everyone run?

I know about Dominic already

4 showed up: Pete, Marc, Dominic, and I

(From my feable memory) Pete ran several times in the 11.4 to 11.5 range - possibly one in the 11.3s (Pete?) at around 127-128 thru the traps.

Marc ran at least one 12.1 at 120.x

I ran once, but due to an oil pressure switch suddenly giving way and spilling oil on my headers (can we say max smoke??), AND no traction on street tires, I ran a 12.6 at 117.x (hit the rev limiter in third gear before I got to the trap. That would have been something like 120 mph, but I reacted to the sudden balk/misfire of the limiter by lifting. No chance to run again

And, the latest speculation forwared by the wrecker driver who brought Dom's car to my place is the right rear tire blew, based on the cords torn and pealing outward like an internal explosion... :dontknow:

I think we're all pretty bummed out by Dom's accident. But, after getting it to my place, things started looking up. The drive train appears to be intact, the interior is too, and the mechanical damage appeared to be limited to some suspension pieces broken and the floor pans and some other minor stuff. The body is not so bad; "Very fixable" according to the (racers/body shop and part time wrecker crew).

Next step is to get it to Dom's house and have someone qualified to render an opinion w/ regard to feasibility of bringing her back to life. :cheers:


11-01-2010, 05:12 PM
I have the trailing arm he needs for the rear. Need to figure out how to fix the ball joint on car if possible. Then it sounds like it will roll


11-01-2010, 10:15 PM
Hmmmm.save Dominic's car drive?

11-01-2010, 10:49 PM
Hmmmm.save Dominic's car drive?

Yeah I have a part or 2.. and some tools he can use

11-02-2010, 01:57 AM
So who all made it and how did everyone run?

I know about Dominic already

The best i got for the day was 11.1 @ 128.8.
We had alot of head wind, a lot of head wind to knock you over heck tents were flying.


Paul Workman
11-02-2010, 04:55 AM
Hmmmm.save Dominic's car drive?

Yeah! Ya took the words outta my mouth! (or keyboard, as it were!;))

11-02-2010, 08:01 AM
So I'm confused...

You guys went there is a group/club.. Then Pete runs a 11.1 @128.8mph

So I take it you guys just did time runs and did not participate in the bracket racing?

Well another successful shootout in the books. Everything went well, except the unfortunate accident for Dominic. Everyone was very happy there were no injuries! Cars can be repaired or replaced, I am glad he was wearing his helmet.

A special thank you to Fred (FUTURETECH) for all the help in setting up the races and keeping things rolling smoothly! Thanks!!

Officially we had 47 vettes on site, but only 25 decided to bracket race this year.

The results are as follows...

Club Champions are once again the Chicago Crossroads Corvette Club

Bracket Racing Results...

1st Place - Bill Porter - NWI Corvette Club
2nd Place - Paul Armor - Chicago Crossroads
3rd Place - Jerry McGhee - FassGlass
4th Place - Greg Teeter - Chicago Crossroads

Other Awards...

Highest Speed - Greg Teeter - 126.5 mph
Lowest ET - Ron Byas - 11.48
Best reaction time - .5049 (.5000 is perfect on this track)

11-02-2010, 11:13 AM
So I'm confused...

You guys went there is a group/club.. Then Pete runs a 11.1 @128.8mph

So I take it you guys just did time runs and did not participate in the bracket racing?

Jeff, we did not stay till the end 3.30 that's when they did the trophy thingy
