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View Full Version : The CP Corvette Challenge is shaping up!

Paul Workman
10-16-2010, 10:30 AM
The Crown Point Corvette Challenge is a week a way and it looks like there will be some FBI gang and possibly other ZR-1s as well!

So far as I know from scuttlebutt...

Pete and his Mean Green Machine
Kevin and his 441
Bob G & his 427 (might have to twist his arm a little)
Ken Windisch is bringing his souped up yellow C3
Me n mine, Ami in her 69 Vert...
& some rumored possibilities include:

Marc Haibeck mentioned he might be there too:dancing
George said he might come in from PA to make an appearance w/ his infamous "Black Widow" car

I've got a pop-up canopy and we could bring drinks a snacks and have a bit of parking lot tailgating an good ol fashioned BSn a la Bowling Green. What say U!? Ya gonna be there?? If not, you're gonna miss a lot of fun!

Also...If George does make it from PA, it is rumored that a pizza GTG is in the making.

Well, if everyone that indicated they are coming does show up, I have a feeling some folks are going to gain an "appreciation" for the ZR-1...Heh, heh, heh...just like they did two years ago at this same event!

So! Come on out! We need all the ZR-1s in range to come!

From the Dragway's web page:

We are located 30 minutes South of U.S. 30 on U.S. 41. 12 minutes West of I-65 on Route 114 and 3 minutes North on U.S. 41.

You can "Google" it too, of course.

Looks like a party now! I'm excited! See ya there!:fahne::dancing


10-16-2010, 12:43 PM
Is this the US-41 drag strip? Also, what day is it on? An old friend of mine lives in Chicago, I'll let him know. I'm sure he'd love to watch some ZR-1's tear it up.

Edit: nevermind, found it http://www.crownpointvettes.org/2010dragday.htm

10-16-2010, 09:09 PM
Latest info!

Hey All,
Just a reminder this coming*Sat is the Drag Day.* Gates open at 9am.* The weather forecast as of now is sunny and 62.* I couldn't ask for anything better!* Hope to see you all there.* Send me an email if you have any questions.* Take care.
And don't forget to bring the club trophy CCCC.
Jeff Graystone
Club President & Webmaster
Crown Point Corvette Club

Paul Workman
10-17-2010, 08:35 AM
Is this the US-41 drag strip? Also, what day is it on? An old friend of mine lives in Chicago, I'll let him know. I'm sure he'd love to watch some ZR-1's tear it up.

Edit: nevermind, found it http://www.crownpointvettes.org/2010dragday.htm

Yep! Saturday 10/23.

Your friend doesn't have to race and he's welcome to join us whether or not he has a Z. The "Fast Boyz of Illinoiz" (aka 'FBI') has Corvettes and especially ZR-1 nuts at it's core, but it's just a bunch guyz n galz that have GTGs, fast carz and do a little racing - with whatever ya brung to da danze! ;) Have your friend come on down!


Steve A
10-18-2010, 06:33 PM
Although I don't have a ZR1 (yet), I am going to try and make it and check out the cars.

10-24-2010, 12:47 AM
OK, so who's on for next Saturday the 30th? That's the rain date. I think Al may be able to show up with his 441. Imagine having that plus Bob Gs 427, Kevin's 441, Pete's stocker, Paul's 350, maybe Marc H,
my and Lee's 92s with top ends, Jimmac's stock 93.
That would be cool.

Paul Workman
10-24-2010, 08:43 AM
Well, we'll just have to "reload" and group up for another charge!

In addition, hopefully Jeff is now free this w/e (provided his son's soccer team didn't get rained out and resched for the 30!:cry:) And, anyone hear from Lee??? Not a peep outa that boy, I noticed.

I wouldn't miss it. I hear the temps might only make it to the middle 40s. The cars will like the cool temp/air density - provided the tires stick (definitely want to do a good burn-out before staging, I recon. ;))

Paul Workman
10-25-2010, 11:23 AM
Saturday was a major dissappointment, far as weather goes. I was practically turning into the driveway of the track when a friend of mine from work called me to say they had cancelled. Drive all the way there and get rained out. It figures.

Don't know bout y'all, but Ami and I took a new route home along the KanKakee River - the fall leaves were beautiful. And, we stopped at a little joint for breakfast/brunch. So, it wasn't a total loss (I guess).

However!! The forecast (http://www.accuweather.com/us/il/addison/60101/forecast-month.asp)for the 30th looks to be just about ideal, if it holds up.

We'll just have to "lock n load" one more time and put the fear of multiple cams in the hearts of fellow Vette drivers! ;)

As for attendees, perhaps Jeff and Lee will coming? And, it might work out where Al can bring his 441, maybe Kevin too w/ his. Haven't heard from much of the gang yet, but Ami and I will be there and I believe Jimmac and his gal are planning on it too. We had 8 ZR-1s at the FBI GTG. It would be grand if we had that many show up Saturday. What a blast that will be!

How 'bout the rest of yaz??
