View Full Version : High level brake light
10-09-2010, 05:45 PM
Just had my 1990 judged.
I got dinged for the lens on the high level brake light.
I have no reason to believe it has been replaced.
Could a few 1990 z owners post up the writing (letters and numbers) from both the left and right side of the red HLBL lense?
I am looking for the raised numbers and letters. Also last 5 numbers of your VIN for bracketing purposes. My vin is 02124
Thanks, John :cheers:
10-09-2010, 09:17 PM
if it matches the rest of the glass on the car it should be either 88 or 89. I haven't looked at my tail lights in a while and can't remember what it says
10-10-2010, 10:17 AM
On the left (driver's side) of the high level stop light it should say DOT and 2 numbers.
On the right side it should say GUIDE a number and a letter.
Could you look and send me a PM with the information your last digits of your VIN and mileage on your car.
I have 2 z's both have the same lense. I believe there is an error in the new NCRS manual and I am looking to obtain additional information to contact NCRS.
Thanks, John :cheers:
10-10-2010, 02:38 PM
On the left (driver's side) of the high level stop light it should say DOT and 2 numbers.
On the right side it should say GUIDE a number and a letter.
Could you look and send me a PM with the information your last digits of your VIN and mileage on your car.
I have 2 z's both have the same lense. I believe there is an error in the new NCRS manual and I am looking to obtain additional information to contact NCRS.
Thanks, John :cheers:
i'm not around the car right now but let me see if I can call and get that info for you. the car is #1433, has 61xxx on her and the lens is factory as far as I know
just heard back dot 86 and guide n
10-10-2010, 05:32 PM
My 91 built Nov 90: Lens says "DOT 86" on the left and "GUIDE 1Y" on the right.
My guess is the 86 related to the year the HMCSL was required, and the 1Y is the
die cavity number. How many dies ? Who knows.
John Boothby
10-10-2010, 07:46 PM
My 90 VIN 148 has "DOT 86" and "GUIDE 1Y" for what it is worth.
95 LT5
10-10-2010, 08:40 PM
Hi John,
On my 95, it is also
10-10-2010, 09:47 PM
90 ZR1 vin. 2066 11,000 miles.
10-11-2010, 09:17 AM
I believe there is an error in the new NCRS manual and I am looking to obtain additional information to contact NCRS.
Thanks, John :cheers:
What does the NCRS manual say?
10-11-2010, 10:38 AM
My 1990 ZR-1 has:
Left Side Right Side
My VIN is a few hundred higher than yours.
10-11-2010, 11:05 AM
What does the NCRS manual say?
I was told by the judge it should be 4Y on the right side. 1Y was only used in the base cars.
This seems strange to me since I have a second 1990 which was top flighted at a NCRS National event with the same markings. This car was judged using the first edition of the manual. The second (current) edition is not worded clearly and could lead the judge to believe the ZR1s should be 4Y.
If I remember correctly the ZR1s came down the same line at BG so it would not make sense they would use a different lense.
I would like to get this corrected for any other ZR1s judged in the future. It appears they used this same lense from at least 1990 all the way to 1995.
Thanks, John :cheers:
10-12-2010, 03:26 PM
FWIW my '92 ZR-1 has DOT 86 and 1Y. It is VIN #0068 and currently has 106,500 miles.
10-13-2010, 03:24 AM
I was told by the judge it should be 4Y on the right side. 1Y was only used in the base cars.
The light was the same on all cars,why would the base car be any different?
10-13-2010, 02:19 PM
maybe tom barr can shed some light on this subject for us
10-13-2010, 05:42 PM
The Manual has been corrected for the next edition. It should by Guide 1Y not 4Y.
10-13-2010, 05:43 PM
glad to hear from you tom.
10-14-2010, 07:51 AM
The Manual has been corrected for the next edition. It should by Guide 1Y not 4Y.
The question came up using the 1990 second edition manual which came out just recently. Are you saying it will be corrected in a future manual, say 3rd edition? Any idea when the new manual might come out?
Just so you know, my car was judged last saturday by a NCRS regional director who interpreted the 2nd edition as saying the 1Y was not correct. Maybe you could post on the NCRS board this error to let all folks judging C-4s know should it be a while before the 3rd edition is published?
Thank you,
John Dergosits
10-16-2010, 02:09 PM
Since the manual is going to be updated, then I believe the correct term for this light is Center High-Mounted Stop Lamp (CHMSL). That's right out of my 1990 Owners Manual.
Might as well be consistent between documents.
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