View Full Version : Sunday FBI drive!

Paul Workman
10-07-2010, 08:02 PM
Hey! Just for fun!

"The Plan". Jim and I discussed getting together for a little cruise on Sunday - taking some known fun country blacktop roads essentially west along or near Rt 6 toward Utica and to where ever our Zs lead us - Starved Rock, and maybe onto Geneva or as far as Dixon or? Who knows?

The routes and destinations are still a bit fluid beyond the Morris IL starting piont. But, the idea is to get as many Zs as can and want to caravan along some curvy (as it gets in N. IL) blacktops, have some lunch, and perhaps end up in the late afternoon at "The Cajun Connection" for dinner and a cruise back roads to Morris.

If there are others that want to join us, we'll wait for ya at the Walmart parking lot in Morris (just south on Rt 47 of I-80) and plan to leave around noon next Sunday 10/10/10. We'll caravan south on Rt 47 through Morris to DuPont road, and wind our way to Staved Rock. Along the way, Jim (aka Jimmac) knows of a little hole in the wall place along the way where we can grab a bite and plan the afternoon before ending up at at some mutually agreed spot for dinner and a sunset cruise home.

From my experience, it is difficult to nail the FBI group down on anything - we're just a spontaneous bunch, I guess! - But, if you want to join us, give me a call to let us know you're coming and we'll wait for ya. Just look for two RED ZR-1s at the Walmart parking lot, if you're interested in coming along for a fun cruise.

Nothing is set in stone. If you want to join the fun, you can call my cell at 815-791-9281 for details (as they become available). Hope you decide to join us. No big formal deal - just going to take a cruise and chase some autumn leaves with 100s of horsepower, have a bite and some laughs, and cruise back home after a good time with friends and great cars!


10-08-2010, 08:32 AM
Sounds like fun Paul, let us know how it goes.


10-08-2010, 12:35 PM
Hi Paul

Sounds like lots of fun and would love to do it.
Love to go out on open road and rip her up.
My Z is down for now maybe i could borrow one.:)


10-08-2010, 02:52 PM
Pete, you can borrow mine, ya just gotta time the cams, and wax her up a little bit....LOL

I'd like to see you guys head south one of these days, so i could get away, for a little re-union, I'd get Rob to hook up with me, and show u guys a few things...LOL

10-08-2010, 06:03 PM
I'd get Rob to hook up with me, and show u guys a few things...LOL

Kieth,things you show could make some FBI guys go blind and have nightmares for a week.

Not me, i'm immune to that stuff i had my Greek immune booster shots at an early age most Greeks do to prepare them for people like you in the future :)


Paul Workman
10-11-2010, 05:04 AM
Dom & Linda, Jim (aka "Jimmac") and Marie, Ami and I were able to take advantage of the incredible fall weather and sunshine yesterday. What better way to see some fall colors (even if you had to look quick!), chase some leaves, and have some fun in a ZR-1!

The Zs were all running good - LT5s making that sound only they make - and topping it off at an authentic Cajun restaurant before heading back home on a couple wide-open, straight, smooth blacktops (well at least one of us knew what that meant and got to see some triple digits)

The only damper was, I guess in part due to the exceptionally nice day, there was unusual amounts of traffic, but the worst were hundreds of "BUB_BUBs" (Harley drivers ;) snaking along 'en mass' that seemed to prefer to lumber along between 35-45 mph - wasting some nice twisties!:mad:

Anywayz...We had a good time and got to blow a little carbon out in the sunshine among friends in the best car GM made! Nuttin wrong with that! Some pix for ya!

Click on the pic below for a taste of the day. This is not a road course video (public roads, et al), but you can get a flavor for the leaves and the sweet sounds the LT5 makes when it is out playing...

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/Vettes/th_Jimmac10-17-10.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/Vettes/?action=view&current=Jimmac10-17-10.mp4)
Jim took his top off...of that Z, that is (this isn't a horror pic!)


The gathering...


In the foreground is Ami and me. Then on the left - sticking his nose into the picture is Dom and across from him is Jim. Behind Dom is Linda, and across from her is Marie - about to have some Cajun fair.

It was great fun! Now, in two weeks comes the Crown Point Corvette Challenge. Gonna be some fun had there too! Hope y'all can make it!


10-11-2010, 07:59 AM
It sounds like a lot of fun and a great day of ZR-1'ing. Thanks for posting the pictures.


10-11-2010, 12:05 PM
Nice, get together, any time you boys wanna road trip south, we got crooked roads and wineries, and Moudy' babes :cheers:

10-11-2010, 05:01 PM
Looked like a great time. Too bad the FBI guys and Moudy's are both 8 hours from me...:cry:

Paul Workman
10-11-2010, 10:17 PM
Nice, get together, any time you boys wanna road trip south, we got crooked roads and wineries, and Moudy' babes :cheers:

Oh, Hey now Keith...Babes, wine, n twisties??? You got my attention, "fer sher"!:cheers:


10-12-2010, 05:32 AM
Kieth,things you show could make some FBI guys go blind and have nightmares for a week.

Not me, i'm immune to that stuff i had my Greek immune booster shots at an early age most Greeks do to prepare them for people like you in the future :)

