Paul Workman
10-07-2010, 08:02 PM
Hey! Just for fun!
"The Plan". Jim and I discussed getting together for a little cruise on Sunday - taking some known fun country blacktop roads essentially west along or near Rt 6 toward Utica and to where ever our Zs lead us - Starved Rock, and maybe onto Geneva or as far as Dixon or? Who knows?
The routes and destinations are still a bit fluid beyond the Morris IL starting piont. But, the idea is to get as many Zs as can and want to caravan along some curvy (as it gets in N. IL) blacktops, have some lunch, and perhaps end up in the late afternoon at "The Cajun Connection" for dinner and a cruise back roads to Morris.
If there are others that want to join us, we'll wait for ya at the Walmart parking lot in Morris (just south on Rt 47 of I-80) and plan to leave around noon next Sunday 10/10/10. We'll caravan south on Rt 47 through Morris to DuPont road, and wind our way to Staved Rock. Along the way, Jim (aka Jimmac) knows of a little hole in the wall place along the way where we can grab a bite and plan the afternoon before ending up at at some mutually agreed spot for dinner and a sunset cruise home.
From my experience, it is difficult to nail the FBI group down on anything - we're just a spontaneous bunch, I guess! - But, if you want to join us, give me a call to let us know you're coming and we'll wait for ya. Just look for two RED ZR-1s at the Walmart parking lot, if you're interested in coming along for a fun cruise.
Nothing is set in stone. If you want to join the fun, you can call my cell at 815-791-9281 for details (as they become available). Hope you decide to join us. No big formal deal - just going to take a cruise and chase some autumn leaves with 100s of horsepower, have a bite and some laughs, and cruise back home after a good time with friends and great cars!
"The Plan". Jim and I discussed getting together for a little cruise on Sunday - taking some known fun country blacktop roads essentially west along or near Rt 6 toward Utica and to where ever our Zs lead us - Starved Rock, and maybe onto Geneva or as far as Dixon or? Who knows?
The routes and destinations are still a bit fluid beyond the Morris IL starting piont. But, the idea is to get as many Zs as can and want to caravan along some curvy (as it gets in N. IL) blacktops, have some lunch, and perhaps end up in the late afternoon at "The Cajun Connection" for dinner and a cruise back roads to Morris.
If there are others that want to join us, we'll wait for ya at the Walmart parking lot in Morris (just south on Rt 47 of I-80) and plan to leave around noon next Sunday 10/10/10. We'll caravan south on Rt 47 through Morris to DuPont road, and wind our way to Staved Rock. Along the way, Jim (aka Jimmac) knows of a little hole in the wall place along the way where we can grab a bite and plan the afternoon before ending up at at some mutually agreed spot for dinner and a sunset cruise home.
From my experience, it is difficult to nail the FBI group down on anything - we're just a spontaneous bunch, I guess! - But, if you want to join us, give me a call to let us know you're coming and we'll wait for ya. Just look for two RED ZR-1s at the Walmart parking lot, if you're interested in coming along for a fun cruise.
Nothing is set in stone. If you want to join the fun, you can call my cell at 815-791-9281 for details (as they become available). Hope you decide to join us. No big formal deal - just going to take a cruise and chase some autumn leaves with 100s of horsepower, have a bite and some laughs, and cruise back home after a good time with friends and great cars!