View Full Version : Deep Thoughts

09-08-2010, 04:36 PM
ZR-1 & ZR1 Thunder in Stillwater II:

THis event did not happen, what a shame. Jerry put alot of work
and effort into this event, and because of the lack of interest, it did not take place.

Hmmm.... Oklahoma....sorta the middle of the country.
Drag strip
Road Course
LT-5 Birthplace

(home of the new Rams QB)

Here's a thought, a National event, held here ??
That is if Jerry would want to put out the effort again.

09-08-2010, 07:17 PM
Seems like lots of Z guy's go to BG every year, and Carlisle. And usually 15 to 20 Z's come to Corey's/Glenns for the Texas BBQ every time it's held. You'd think every Z freak would have really gone out of their way to attend this. But instead it just fell flat. Maybe it was just a bad time for most people. I know it was a bad time for me. There's no way I would have had my car back together in time for it anyway. But now I'm totally ready for it if Jerry decides to screw with it again. And if you do Jerry I really hope there's something I can do to contribute. I've never even been to oakey land.:mrgreen:

09-10-2010, 05:20 PM
That is if Jerry would want to put out the effort again.

I don't thnk so.

Stay tunned though!:icon_thum

09-10-2010, 09:13 PM
It's a nice thought, as we are centered geographically at the Crossroads of America (I-40 & I-35), but Oklahoma just doesn't cut it demographically. Although we are centered, it's still a long ways from anywhere.

I've thought about a different location for a national event over the years and the more I think about it, Las Vegas would be a good place.

I think I would also downgrade Carlise from A Registry national event to a regional event. The Wazoo gang is right there and could do a bang up job of running the event, to the benefit of the Registry & their region.

I've also talked to Charlie A. who is very active in management of a large Corvette club in the Kansas City area, about holding an annual Regional event there. it's much closer to the MI, MN, MO, NE, IL area where lots of ZR-1's reside.

Texas has a lot of ZR-1's and it's a big state. They have the South Texas BBQ (which is coming up) Continue that as a Regional Event.

Then you've got the FBI which is also a strong group. Get a Regional Event going up there around Chicago.

The PNW Region is a great area that has been very active over the years and has some very prominent members.

So, let's git it on!!

09-12-2010, 06:20 PM
It's a nice thought, as we are centered geographically at the Crossroads of America (I-40 & I-35), but Oklahoma just doesn't cut it demographically. Although we are centered, it's still a long ways from anywhere.

I've thought about a different location for a national event over the years and the more I think about it, Las Vegas would be a good place.

I think I would also downgrade Carlise from A Registry national event to a regional event. The Wazoo gang is right there and could do a bang up job of running the event, to the benefit of the Registry & their region.

I've also talked to Charlie A. who is very active in management of a large Corvette club in the Kansas City area, about holding an annual Regional event there. it's much closer to the MI, MN, MO, NE, IL area where lots of ZR-1's reside.

Texas has a lot of ZR-1's and it's a big state. They have the South Texas BBQ (which is coming up) Continue that as a Regional Event.

Then you've got the FBI which is also a strong group. Get a Regional Event going up there around Chicago.

The PNW Region is a great area that has been very active over the years and has some very prominent members.

So, let's git it on!!

I couldn't agree more.

Leave Gathering as national event, Carlisle as a East region event, SGC for Southeast, FBI guys have their own or piggy back on Bloomington Gold, Texas event, PNW event, Kansas City for middle America and Las Vegas for Southwest.

Would make it easier for members to attend an event and we can still travel to any of the events if we want to do longer trips.

09-13-2010, 08:17 AM
I couldn't agree more.

Leave Gathering as national event, Carlisle as a East region event, SGC for Southeast, FBI guys have their own or piggy back on Bloomington Gold, Texas event, PNW event, Kansas City for middle America and Las Vegas for Southwest.

Would make it easier for members to attend an event and we can still travel to any of the events if we want to do longer trips.

I like the way you guys are thinking. Thanks Keith for getting this thread started. Dennis and Jerry have a nice outline on 7 Regional events.

Curently operating events:
Carlisle, PA
South Georgia Corvettes
Chicago Area
South East Texas
Pacific North West

New Events we could start up:
Kansas City
Las Vegas

Others to consider?:

I would add for consideration:
Central/South Florida ( I Love Orlando)
North East (There will be a bunch of ZR-1's in Mystic CT next month)

Speaking for the WAZOO, we do get togethers about twice a month or more. Even though each one is not an Event or a Gathering, we have a good time and everyone who attends gets the feeling that if he ever had a problem with his ZR-1 or needed advice, there are people nearby he could talk to.

I would like to see a discussion about what makes an "Event". What are the things that a Regional group needs to be able to have an event that people will be willing to drive 3-4 hours (or more) to attend? After we get those requirements figured out, we can see what support the Registry can give.

At Carlisle this year, we raised enough money with a Raffle and T-shirt sales to more than pay for all the expenses. Is it reasonable to expect a Regional event to raise money? If the Registry made T-Shirts with local event graphics, would the local participants want to buy them?

When I did the Westminster LT5 Tear Down Get Together in March 2010, I made T-shirts and each member who attended paid $20 which just about covered my costs for the shirts and the refreshments. Will this work in other regions?

I would like to hear from the guys that run the existing Regional events. What are your ideas/thoughts?


09-13-2010, 10:47 AM
Curently operating events:

Chicago Area

I am guess the event here is Bloomington Gold? this year I did not see Registry Parking though

I would like to see a discussion about what makes an "Event". What are the things that a Regional group needs to be able to have an event that people will be willing to drive 3-4 hours (or more) to attend? After we get those requirements figured out, we can see what support the Registry can give.

I too would be interested in what those requirements would be to an 'Official' Registry event

The Chicago Boys (FBI) try to have Pizza nights once a month although this year has been lacking.. oddly enough I am the one that tries to plan them but like Paul always says, here is it like herding cats..

09-13-2010, 11:18 AM
I am guess the event here is Bloomington Gold? this year I did not see Registry Parking though

I too would be interested in what those requirements would be to an 'Official' Registry event

The Chicago Boys (FBI) try to have Pizza nights once a month although this year has been lacking.. oddly enough I am the one that tries to plan them but like Paul always says, here is it like herding cats..

I hear you. Herding cats is always a challenge. There are about 35 ZR-1 owners on my WAZOO email list. For a high-profile Get ToGether like the LT5 Teardown, we get about 50% to attend. For "routine" Westminster Maintenance Days, we get 5-6 owners. But recently, we have guys that drive >75 miles (one-way) just to spend the day turning wrenches with friends.

I think that every Get ToGether is a success, even if it is only three guys taking a visiting ZR-1 owner out to dinner.

As far as requirements for an event to be an "Official" Registry Event, I am searching for ways to better define that. What are your thoughts on the subject?

In order to get Registry Parking at Bloomington, someone in the area will have to coordinate with the folks that run the Bloomington show. Thanks for pointing that out. It is one of the things that I was asking for to add to the list of things that go into setting up an "Event".

09-13-2010, 11:59 AM
I hear you. Herding cats is always a challenge. There are about 35 ZR-1 owners on my WAZOO email list. For a high-profile Get ToGether like the LT5 Teardown, we get about 50% to attend. For "routine" Westminster Maintenance Days, we get 5-6 owners. But recently, we have guys that drive >75 miles (one-way) just to spend the day turning wrenches with friends.

I think that every Get ToGether is a success, even if it is only three guys taking a visiting ZR-1 owner out to dinner.

As far as requirements for an event to be an "Official" Registry Event, I am searching for ways to better define that. What are your thoughts on the subject?

In order to get Registry Parking at Bloomington, someone in the area will have to coordinate with the folks that run the Bloomington show. Thanks for pointing that out. It is one of the things that I was asking for to add to the list of things that go into setting up an "Event".

Not knowing what the by-laws spell out for an official event, How to better define it. If there is a basis already then expanding on it would be better.

Bloomington Gold:
If there will only be 6 or less cars, I honestly don't think it is worth it, This year there was no area, last year there were maybe 6 cars.

Many park with Corvette Forum or if local then with their local club, Like I do. if there would be a decent turn out then it would be worth having the area for parking.

FBI Dinners, I don't think would be an Official event, unless there are outsiders (non-local) registry members in attendance. Like the time you and Dave came out. That was a bigger 'event' being at Marc's then the local pizza place.. But that 'bigger' event would need to be planned far enough in advance to allow it to be official.

If I post in the East central (not sure why it is not Midwest) section, then that is showing to ALL register forum users there is something going on, it also becomes an invitation at that point as well.

the paying Registry members need to know to check the Forum for events, even though some paid members are not on the forum.

09-13-2010, 12:05 PM
I like the way you guys are thinking. Thanks Keith for getting this thread started. Dennis and Jerry have a nice outline on 7 Regional events.

Curently operating events:
Carlisle, PA
South Georgia Corvettes
Chicago Area
South East Texas
Pacific North West

New Events we could start up:
Kansas City
Las Vegas

Others to consider?:

I would add for consideration:
Central/South Florida ( I Love Orlando)
North East (There will be a bunch of ZR-1's in Mystic CT next month)

Speaking for the WAZOO, we do get togethers about twice a month or more. Even though each one is not an Event or a Gathering, we have a good time and everyone who attends gets the feeling that if he ever had a problem with his ZR-1 or needed advice, there are people nearby he could talk to.

I would like to see a discussion about what makes an "Event". What are the things that a Regional group needs to be able to have an event that people will be willing to drive 3-4 hours (or more) to attend? After we get those requirements figured out, we can see what support the Registry can give.

At Carlisle this year, we raised enough money with a Raffle and T-shirt sales to more than pay for all the expenses. Is it reasonable to expect a Regional event to raise money? If the Registry made T-Shirts with local event graphics, would the local participants want to buy them?

When I did the Westminster LT5 Tear Down Get Together in March 2010, I made T-shirts and each member who attended paid $20 which just about covered my costs for the shirts and the refreshments. Will this work in other regions?

I would like to hear from the guys that run the existing Regional events. What are your ideas/thoughts?


I think the Chicago area event could easily be part of Bloomington Gold if desired, otherwise the FBI guys could certainly organize one.

As far a definition for an "event", my thoughts. All the following would exclude the Gathering in Bowling Green.

1. An Event would be a recurring and annual. (Carlisle, SGC, Texas, PNW, etc)
2. The "event" would be advertised including a schedule of activities and open to all members.
3. All events are regional and are organized by the regional director.
4. New "events" would be submitted to the executive committee for approval before given "event" status. (Kansas City, Las Vegas, Northeast, etc)
5. No more than one event per region per year.
6. Reimbursement would be strictly limited to approved budget and actual expenses. (meaning approved budget $1000, actual $1200, reimburse $1000. Budget $1000, actual $800, reimburse $800)

The current regional structure of the Registry should be reorganized into smaller more logical units and region directors should be active.

09-13-2010, 12:07 PM
Not knowing what the by-laws spell out for an official event, How to better define it. If there is a basis already then expanding on it would be better.

Bloomington Gold:
If there will only be 6 or less cars, I honestly don't think it is worth it, This year there was no area, last year there were maybe 6 cars.

Many park with Corvette Forum or if local then with their local club, Like I do. if there would be a decent turn out then it would be worth having the area for parking.

FBI Dinners, I don't think would be an Official event, unless there are outsiders (non-local) registry members in attendance. Like the time you and Dave came out. That was a bigger 'event' being at Marc's then the local pizza place.. But that 'bigger' event would need to be planned far enough in advance to allow it to be official.

If I post in the East central (not sure why it is not Midwest) section, then that is showing to ALL register forum users there is something going on, it also becomes an invitation at that point as well.

the paying Registry members need to know to check the Forum for events, even though some paid members are not on the forum.

I sent out an email to a few in the Chicago area for ideas for a "regional event" in your area. There are so many hard core FBI there and hoping we can have a nice annual event done there.

Would an event @ Marc's shop or maybe a persons house? BBQ? Sausage event? (Paul and Pete???)

What do you think Jeff?



09-13-2010, 12:14 PM
If I post in the East central (not sure why it is not Midwest) section, then that is showing to ALL register forum users there is something going on, it also becomes an invitation at that point as well.

the paying Registry members need to know to check the Forum for events, even though some paid members are not on the forum.

The regions need reorganized.

Events should have a significant lead time to allow for planning, travel, hotels, etc. At least 90 days or longer.

An Event should not be confused with a get together.

Events should be publicized at a minimum on the forum, newsletter, main page and possibly the listserve.

09-13-2010, 12:41 PM
The regions need reorganized.

Events should have a significant lead time to allow for planning, travel, hotels, etc. At least 90 days or longer.

An Event should not be confused with a get together.

Events should be publicized at a minimum on the forum, newsletter, main page and possibly the listserve.


I agree 100% Events can happen in 60 days, but 90 days for big events should be the standard.

Publicizing events have to be done to the membership in every way possible and maybe even via post card (once a year).

Great points!



09-13-2010, 06:21 PM
To maximize the chances of attendance, major gatherings need to be planned out AT LEAST 180 days. In my experience with putting on car related events people need to have dates firmed up at the begining of the calander year. They typically plan vacations around these types of events and need to allow ample vacation time for travel to and from the event.
It should then be the responsibility of the event cordinator or event comittee to do the PR leg work to promote said event. Mentioning it on the forum is not enough. E-mails need to be sent to all members informing them of the event. Also fliers need to be drawn up and sent to the larger Corvette clubs around the country to make sure of coverage with people that may not be members or people that have let their membership lapse and/or do not follow the registry closely.
The event is only going to be as successfull as the amount lead time you give and the amount of imformation that you put out about it.

09-13-2010, 06:39 PM
To maximize the chances of attendance, major gatherings need to be planned out AT LEAST 180 days. In my experience with putting on car related events people need to have dates firmed up at the begining of the calander year. They typically plan vacations around these types of events and need to allow ample vacation time for travel to and from the event.
It should then be the responsibility of the event cordinator or event comittee to do the PR leg work to promote said event. Mentioning it on the forum is not enough. E-mails need to be sent to all members informing them of the event. Also fliers need to be drawn up and sent to the larger Corvette clubs around the country to make sure of coverage with people that may not be members or people that have let their membership lapse and/or do not follow the registry closely.
The event is only going to be as successfull as the amount lead time you give and the amount of imformation that you put out about it.

I agree, the longer the better. I like the idea of having a annual calendar where the events are planned in advance. We know that Carlisle and the Gathering are already on the calendar. Similarly these other events need to find their place on the calendar too.

Seems that most of our events are either piggy-backed onto other events or at well known tuners shops. I know Marc has (or at least use to) a Christmas Party at his shop. I don't know about that time of the year, but an event at Marc's shop (if he is willing) seems to make sense.

09-13-2010, 07:52 PM
Not knowing what the by-laws spell out for an official event, How to better define it. If there is a basis already then expanding on it would be better.

Bloomington Gold:
If there will only be 6 or less cars, I honestly don't think it is worth it, This year there was no area, last year there were maybe 6 cars.

Many park with Corvette Forum or if local then with their local club, Like I do. if there would be a decent turn out then it would be worth having the area for parking.

FBI Dinners, I don't think would be an Official event, unless there are outsiders (non-local) registry members in attendance. Like the time you and Dave came out. That was a bigger 'event' being at Marc's then the local pizza place.. But that 'bigger' event would need to be planned far enough in advance to allow it to be official.

If I post in the East central (not sure why it is not Midwest) section, then that is showing to ALL register forum users there is something going on, it also becomes an invitation at that point as well.

the paying Registry members need to know to check the Forum for events, even though some paid members are not on the forum.


You make good points. I have found by going to lots of car shows, that if an organizer puts some effort into getting the ZR-1 owners together, it works out. Sometimes it requires meeting up before the show and driving in together (which is fun, it usually draws a lot of attention when a bunch of ZR-1's arrive). Also, the "event" includes the before and after as well so there are plenty of opportunities for people to participate. A ZR-1 Group cruise to place for dinner has worked for us. All of this is basic car show stuff and just needs a little preplanning and coordination.


09-13-2010, 08:06 PM
I think the Chicago area event could easily be part of Bloomington Gold if desired, otherwise the FBI guys could certainly organize one.

As far a definition for an "event", my thoughts. All the following would exclude the Gathering in Bowling Green.

1. An Event would be a recurring and annual. (Carlisle, SGC, Texas, PNW, etc)
2. The "event" would be advertised including a schedule of activities and open to all members.
3. All events are regional and are organized by the regional director.
4. New "events" would be submitted to the executive committee for approval before given "event" status. (Kansas City, Las Vegas, Northeast, etc)
5. No more than one event per region per year.
6. Reimbursement would be strictly limited to approved budget and actual expenses. (meaning approved budget $1000, actual $1200, reimburse $1000. Budget $1000, actual $800, reimburse $800)

The current regional structure of the Registry should be reorganized into smaller more logical units and region directors should be active.

Thanks Dennis,

Those are good suggestions.

I agree that the Regions need to be revised based on the demographics of the membership.

I agree that the designation of Regional Directors needs to be updated. This would include a more detailed description of how they are assigned and replaced.

Absolutely agree that funding would have to be based on receipts submitted after the event. That is the only way to run this organization.

Advance calendar is required. If we get this up and running, there will be an event every month.


09-13-2010, 08:11 PM
A couple of questions to keep the discussion going:

Are there other ways that the Registry can support Regional Events besides money? One way is making a banner for each region. What other things can we do?

Is it reasonable to expect fund raising at each event to help offset the cost? By this I mean things like raffles, T-shirt sales, donation requests. Any other ideas?

Thanks, Jim