View Full Version : Regoinal Director for this Region?

09-03-2010, 11:29 PM
I saw that we have on the membership page, but is that person active?

how come I have not heard of any official Net registry events in this area, with exception of BG which I tend to look at as more of a nation event as there are members from all regions there.

I did try to send an email to the one listed, but it doesn't work

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:



09-03-2010, 11:34 PM
just saw there are state directors..

none for IL though.. surprising with the # of owners in the state

09-19-2010, 01:51 PM
Jeff based on all the drama and BS I think we are better off without one and without $ sponsored events.

09-19-2010, 02:05 PM
Jeff based on all the drama and BS I think we are better off without one and without $ sponsored events.

Oh I know.. I was just curious. It would be nice to have one event close that was sponsored by the Registry, since it is tough to go to BG to Carlisle, all I get for my dues is a T-Shirt and a sticker..

09-19-2010, 02:15 PM
For my dues I get great advice, cheaper parts, the economy of size so that we can have much needed parts made(thanks Jerry), Lots of pic of half naked women(Thanks Brian), and hang out with some great people.

I think I get my money's worth.

Thanks to everyone for making this website possible!

09-19-2010, 02:27 PM
For my dues I get great advice, cheaper parts, the economy of size so that we can have much needed parts made(thanks Jerry), Lots of pic of half naked women(Thanks Brian), and hang out with some great people.

I think I get my money's worth.

Thanks to everyone for making this website possible!

All those don't require the paid membership. I paid dues and never got cheaper parts. The forum is free to register and post

09-19-2010, 02:40 PM
No $ Support=No Website=No Support........I am not speaking of direct purchase......we gets hot buying tips all the time on the forum, and used parts from each other, etc.

09-19-2010, 02:49 PM
No $ Support=No Website=No Support........I am not speaking of direct purchase......we gets hot buying tips all the time on the forum, and used parts from each other, etc.

I guess you are right. It still would be to have one sponsored event here. They do BG and Carlisle, but not Bloomington gold

09-19-2010, 02:54 PM
I think it would be nice also, maybe we can plan something for next year.

09-19-2010, 04:19 PM
I am just surprised that with the # of ZR-1 owners in Il there is no Event director for the state and I don't think I have ever seen something from the East Central Regional Director.

09-19-2010, 04:48 PM
I guess you are right. It still would be to have one sponsored event here. They do BG and Carlisle, but not Bloomington gold

I agree 100%. We need to find an event to have or another event to piggy back on to that everyone wants to go to...

Something with Drag Racing? A show and or BBQ?



09-19-2010, 08:04 PM
I guess you are right. It still would be to have one sponsored event here. They do BG and Carlisle, but not Bloomington gold

It would be nice to see something around the Chicago area. BG is just a tad too far from here. Chicago area already has a bunch of Z guys that would probably be more than happy to help put together. I don't know if they have the drag racing track that is required. Only a 6 hr drive for me so I would more than likely attend.

09-20-2010, 04:26 AM
It's only freaken money,heck you can't take it with you,they don't take cash in the after life.:)

Heck to me just the T-shirt is worth the money.

If the club wants to pay for tent,space at Bloomington Gold and track rental ,i'm in for grilling,eating and racing :)
We can set it up for example
Friday Drags
Saturday BBQ/Grill @ BG Show
Sunday more Grilling and Tech session at the tent have an LT5 motor on a stand apart to show the inner makings of the LT5 to the rest of the Corvette community.
We have enough IL members that will help,you know i'm in.

But if it's gonna create bickering and cause the club to break up then forget it.
We've been doing just fine without outside help/funds.

Jeff for State Director :fahne:

09-20-2010, 08:04 AM
It's only freaken money,heck you can't take it with you,they don't take cash in the after life.:)

Heck to me just the T-shirt is worth the money.

If the club wants to pay for tent,space at Bloomington Gold and track rental ,i'm in for grilling,eating and racing :)
We can set it up for example
Friday Drags
Saturday BBQ/Grill @ BG Show
Sunday more Grilling and Tech session at the tent have an LT5 motor on a stand apart to show the inner makings of the LT5 to the rest of the Corvette community.
We have enough IL members that will help,you know i'm in.

But if it's gonna create bickering and cause the club to break up then forget it.
We've been doing just fine without outside help/funds.

Jeff for State Director :fahne:

All I am saying is it would be nice to see an organized Registry event at Bloomington Gold, The Club parking would be free at Bloomington, you would not need to get a tent area, just sitting by the cars BSing would be fine. if they wanted to 'pay' for a space great.. Race on Friday or whenever. So from a cost stand point if there was registry parking only, then no cost other then buying your own ticket. This past year there was no registry parking as there has been in previous years either..

I know the local owners get together, but this now would allow others in neighboring states to plan to come out to an event and meet. Everyone is welcome at our Pizza nights, but sometimes we plan them the week of, which does not work out to well for an out-of-state owner that wants to join in.

I agree we are doing fine without official registry events, but i have to wonder, how many of other states (WI, MN, MI, IN, IA, MO and others) would come to something like that?

09-20-2010, 09:30 AM
Think about this.......a Friday at Blackhawk Farms.....next day at Byron....area is cheap and some great countryside to run through!


Pete, I know Byron is not the greatest but its close to Blackhawk

Also Galena is nearby.

09-20-2010, 10:48 AM
For out of towners....Byron is a local Dradway with Test and Tune on most weekends.

09-20-2010, 12:14 PM
For out of towners....Byron is a local Dradway with Test and Tune on most weekends.

Byron is fine, can we race on Friday.

I figure do all this on Bloomington Gold weekend race on Friday, grill at the show on Saturday,Tech Session on Sunday.
Have the motor on display all weekend for people to see and all to ask questions

The other question i have will BG let us grill cause they have the food venters.


09-20-2010, 12:39 PM
Pete, was looking at Blackhawk on Friday.....I called Blackhawk and guess what!

The owner has not 1 but 2 ZR-1s.....they are putting a quote together for a track rental for a group of 40/50 cars. They also cater dinners, lunches, etc.

09-20-2010, 12:48 PM
The other question i have will BG let us grill cause they have the food venters.


no, grilling is not allowed at Bloomington

09-20-2010, 12:57 PM
R U guys ignoring my Blackhawk idea???:-x

09-20-2010, 02:22 PM
R U guys ignoring my Blackhawk idea???:-x

you were talking?


no I was not ignoring.. I like the idea, when were you thinking of this?

09-20-2010, 02:54 PM
Next year(obviously), they are going to let me know dates.

09-20-2010, 04:09 PM
Next year(obviously), they are going to let me know dates.

okay, I figured next year, but hoped to have an idea of what Months you are thinking of

09-20-2010, 05:48 PM
R U guys ignoring my Blackhawk idea???:-x

Sorry Lee, if it doesn't say drag racing,i get oblivious.
I prefer drag racing but i'm in with what the group wants.

I'll sit on the side lines and perform grill duties and repair any broken down Z's.:)


09-20-2010, 07:49 PM
Cost would be $165-$175 per person for 40-50 cars and having the track all day.....includes:

Corner Workers
Track director

Thoughts? I guess the owner has 1 94 Z, 1 90 Z, an 06 Z06, and a new 2010 ZR-1.....and races a GT-1 Corvette in SCCA

09-20-2010, 08:25 PM
Cost would be $165-$175 per person for 40-50 cars and having the track all day.....includes:

Corner Workers
Track director

Thoughts? I guess the owner has 1 94 Z, 1 90 Z, an 06 Z06, and a new 2010 ZR-1.....and races a GT-1 Corvette in SCCA

thoughts? good luck getting 40-50 ZR-1s or will this be open to all corvettes?

09-20-2010, 08:44 PM
If its a regional 40-50 is possible, I think we would need to open to other Corvettes.

.........and a positive attitude helps