View Full Version : Drive Train Lifting

12-24-2005, 02:12 AM
OK, one last question for now:
When I step on it hard I feel the gear shift lever lifting more than I remember it lifting before. I'd say 1/2 to 1 inch.
I got under the car and checked the C beam bolts front and rear-all tight.
Thank goodness for the B. Boudreau C beam plates- makes it a LOT easier.
Think it could be the motor mounts, or is this lift normal? Any easy way to check? TIA Don't think the plenum is hitting the hood......
Ted Feder
95 ZR1 #106
So. Cal.

12-27-2005, 10:36 PM
The (private) consensus is that either:
1) The c beam bolts are loose/stripped
2) A problem with the c beam itself.
Bolts seem tight, so........
Is the c beam the same for all ZR1 years 1990-1995?
Are they different than other C4 c beams?