View Full Version : Another fault issue and its only Wednesday

Don in VT
07-28-2010, 04:54 PM

This all started when I disconnected the battery to check my floppy headlight issue. Prior to negative battery disconnect, the ZR was running great. No warnings. After I reconnected the battery I had a INFL REST light on with, I presume, a code set. I disconnected the battery again to see if the light reset. It did. This AM I turned on the Climate Control A/C and there was no A/C. The comp. clutch would not engage. There was a flashing indicator lamp flashing indication a fault code in the system. Ran the diag routine and got 00, no faults. Searched the site and found one reference to disconnecting the battery and rebooting the A/c controller. Did that and the A/C works great. Should be done but now I have a service ride control indicator and I still have the Infl rest light on but the A/C works great.

Something is happening when I reconnect ground at the battery because as I connect the ground the floppy headlight clicks and stutters very bad and I wonder if that is somehow not establishing a quick clean ground. It is difficult to establish ground quickly with the goofy side terminals. Perhaps I should temporarily disconnect the headlight motor until ground established.

Any thoughts on all this is appreciated.



07-28-2010, 05:08 PM

This all started when I disconnected the battery to check my floppy headlight issue. Prior to negative battery disconnect, the ZR was running great. No warnings. After I reconnected the battery I had a INFL REST light on with, I presume, a code set. I disconnected the battery again to see if the light reset. It did. This AM I turned on the Climate Control A/C and there was no A/C. The comp. clutch would not engage. There was a flashing indicator lamp flashing indication a fault code in the system. Ran the diag routine and got 00, no faults. Searched the site and found one reference to disconnecting the battery and rebooting the A/c controller. Did that and the A/C works great. Should be done but now I have a service ride control indicator and I still have the Infl rest light on but the A/C works great.

Something is happening when I reconnect ground at the battery because as I connect the ground the floppy headlight clicks and stutters very bad and I wonder if that is somehow not establishing a quick clean ground. It is difficult to establish ground quickly with the goofy side terminals. Perhaps I should temporarily disconnect the headlight motor until ground established.

Any thoughts on all this is appreciated.




Gotta love the original engineers who designed the C4.
With the exception of the "Infl Rest" light, everything else is "SNAFU".
When you re-connect the battery the headlight motors go through some kind of calibration routine and they make that sound that you're hearing.
It's normal.

The "Service Ride Control" means that you've started the car three times without moving it.
It's normal.
Drive it around the block and the light will go out.

And also, the AC goes through a checking routine ever time the power cycles so it's likely that it simply had a little hiccup that corrected itself with the next power cycle.

Hope this helps!!


Don in VT
07-28-2010, 05:17 PM
Thanks for the info. I should have added that the headlight also bounces up and down as it is clicking. The 3 rods are probably now powder and the the motor cant find home base.

I intend to find the trouble code in the IR warning this weekend. I will clean the grounds on the impact sensors this winter.



07-28-2010, 08:21 PM

Fixing the headlight is relatively easy if you have the 3 new plastic plugs for each side. Tempoarily you may be able to lock the lights in place by turning the knob. At BG for the gathering my driver's side stopped working. It is a common problem with no advance notice of failure.

I think the parts are less than $5.00 if I recall correctly. Just did mine a month ago. Drivers side was easier than passenger side due to orientation of the motor. Took about 2 hours for each light.

BTW I sent you an email with two pages attached.
