View Full Version : To all coil over guys.

07-18-2010, 04:31 PM
I've been browsing all kinds of sites that sell coil over kits for our cars and the kits range from single adjustable for $1,699 to double adjustable for $2,299 Which is not a cheap upgrade by any means. Not that I expected it to be cheap. Where do the guys that have coil overs already on their Z's get their kit. What are my options? Lowest price to most expensive?:icon_scra I'd still like to be able to use my Bilstiens. Or is it better to go with the shocks that come with the kit?

07-18-2010, 05:30 PM
having coil overs that use the bilstiens so i can still use the fx3 in the car to me is the way to go. i went with the rippie set up and sent my scocks out to bilstien to have them rebuilt and set up for the spring perches

07-18-2010, 06:37 PM
I put my own together, if you use existing shocks I am at $500 in parts. this also does not include Carter's mounting pieces that he worked out with Demps

07-18-2010, 07:30 PM
The shocks need to be grooved for the rings that position the shock inside the coil.

Like sammy, I used the Doug Rippie coil over kit without shocks & sent my shocks to Bilstien for inspection, re-valving (morrocan) and grooving. Re-valving is an option, grooving is required.

Your should be able to do the job for less than your quotes.

07-18-2010, 08:30 PM
I just checked out doug rippies kit. DRM24-510 FX3. yeah! Now I can deal with $945. My bilsteins and actuators are in a box. I need to send them to bilstein to be rebuilt/morraca valving for $100 a shock. So I'm looking at $1500 for everything. Once I find out what I need for spacing the front sway bar off the frame and mounts for the rear machining my own is not a problem. Just need to know.

07-24-2010, 03:02 AM
Im running the DRM kit with the FX-3 Bilsteins system retained. Best of both worlds. I was lucky to get kit from Bob on the board here and the ZF-Doc did the rest to include the shock groving.

07-24-2010, 01:11 PM
Once I find out what I need for spacing the front sway bar off the frame and mounts for the rear. Just need to know.

I make these items at CT Machining. When you are ready contact me :cheers: Read Demp's write up on what is needed besides my brackets.

Blackhk, your items ship out on Tuesday ;-)

07-24-2010, 02:22 PM
Good info guys! Dynomite, I think you need to add this thread to your "Solutions" page! :mrgreen: