View Full Version : secondary vacuum solenoid filter

12-17-2005, 07:23 PM
Ok, so it appears the solenoid has been replaced on my car. The tip-off is they broke the latch on the electrical connector off. I don't have the round filter, but rather the very thin square one.

So what replacement number is that? My parts CD/KW's web site show 10159525 as the 1993-95 filter. A check on GMPartsDirect.com has a picture of it, and it's the round one. So is the round one the earlier or later filter? Which one is the square one, and what part number? Thanks!

ZR-1 Mack
12-17-2005, 10:23 PM
I bought one from a Chevy dealer on special order and I got the round filter.It took a coupl weeks week to finally get it.

Kurt White once told me that the older solenoids with the smaller internal square filter had problems so GM went to the larger round external filter. I swapped to the round filter without any problems on my 91. The way I could tell mine was bad was that if I put a vacuum pump on the one connection and my finger over the other tubing connection it wouldn't hold a vacuum. When I got the new one it would.