View Full Version : Tech Data Category

06-30-2010, 11:32 AM
I have added a new section to www.jerrysgaskets.com (http://www.zr1.net/forum/www.jerrysgaskets.com) Categories called Tech Data which will contain downloadable help guides for specific LT5 subjects. As much information as there is available, I receive lots of email about how to do certain jobs on the LT5. It makes sense to add Tech Data since visitors to the website are there for LT5 parts.

Right now, Tech Data is very limited, just LT5 Bolts & Fasteners and Oil Pump Seal Installation. I will add more "Guides" as I get time and/or when the need arises to help with a customers questions. If you have any suggestions for more Tech Data Guides, please let me know.

Thanks to everyone for your support.

06-30-2010, 12:02 PM
Thank you, Jerry!
By the way your new oil pan gasket for later motor (mine is a 94) works great!

06-30-2010, 01:15 PM
Thank you, Jerry!
By the way your new oil pan gasket for later motor (mine is a 94) works great!

Glad you like the pan gasket. Still remains the same thickness as OEM, it's quite a bit more substantial with wider gasket surfaces all around to take full advantage of all the mating flange.