View Full Version : something to watch for when .....

06-29-2010, 05:28 AM
changing sensors ,in my case the water temp sensors , changed them both while redoing the plenum and injectors housings , bought them at aut zone . the car before had allways run at the yop of the 100 mark on my 90, when i fired it up and took it for a ride the nedle went to the center of the gauge and i thought what did i miss, i just knew i was overheating . so i babied her back home and ,no leaks the resivoir with the cap full . hmmmm so i hooked up my auto xray 4000 and low and behold she was running 180 deg cked it with a therm and it was within 2 degrees ,so all is well phew. oh ps i am running one of randys 165 therms .just wanted to share just in case someone changed them as i did .