View Full Version : How's everyone's summers going?

06-25-2010, 01:10 PM
Hi all, :wave::handshak::cheers:

Been awhile since I've posted anything here. Hoping everyone's summer has been more ZR-1 friendly then here in Manitoba. It seem like every time I take the car out I get rained on. The result of all the rain is a mosquito population like I've never seen before. It is tough to accomplish anything outside with out large quantities of deet on, which I don't want to wear anywhere near my car. One evening while, driving my truck thankfully, I heard what sounded like rain on the windshield. It wasn't rain, it was thousands of mosquitoes plastering themselves to the front of my Chevy. The car bra love em or hate em was a good purchase and is on anytime I take the car out now.

Anyways, not much I can do about the weather but b1tch I guess. Just wanted to say hello to fellow Canadians. :wave:

flyin ryan
06-26-2010, 02:08 AM
B-atching is allowed...:mrgreen:

06-26-2010, 11:51 PM
I've been watching all the rain across the Prairies - too bad. It's been better in SW Ontario. I haven't had any good road trips thus far, but have been able to enjoy the car since May. I am heading to Winnipeg Monday morning for three days. Hopefully most of the rain has fallen and we're all in for more summer like conditions.

Safe and happy vettin.
