View Full Version : Rear Caliper Rebuild

06-04-2010, 08:43 AM
hows this?


06-04-2010, 04:23 PM
after clean-up

06-04-2010, 05:39 PM
Wow - night and day, geat job. :cheers:

What did you use - wire brush? media blast?

Question is - how to keep them looking that way?

06-04-2010, 06:16 PM
Looks great! I'm curious to what you used also.

06-04-2010, 11:01 PM
thanks guys !!!


1st - 3m brake clean - spray

2nd - aluminum mag wheel cleaner - spray

3rd - agitene solvent from grainger, like what we use in a parts washer.
soaked, then wire brushed crevices (w-brass brush w-handle). stuffed a shop rag in the cyl. bore to keep from scarring it any.

4th - lps electro contact cleaner - spray

5th - brake clean again, aluminum wheel cleaner again

6th - touched up with a 10" "fine" wire brush wheel set-up on pedestal grinder.

7th - contact cleaner again.
also chased the threads: e-brake hole, bleeder, line.

took a lil while, but came out great to me.

yea, how do I keep em that way?????:(

thinking I should clear laquer, or satin spray em, but not even sure it would last.


06-05-2010, 01:13 AM
I was thinking clear satin laquer followed by lots of spray on wax (I know the wax it makes a huge difference in keeping my wheels clean)

What are you going to do about the fronts? Upgrade to C5 calipers?

06-05-2010, 04:52 AM
:jawdrop: Nice Caliper!

You da Man Luis!:thumbsup:

Now write up the steps, taking it apart & going back together, including any "gotcha's" that maybe lurking and send this in to our newsletter....aren't I great at spending your time!?:mrgreen: Straight up, I think your step by step would make a great addition to the "How To" section under "brakes".....:worship:


06-05-2010, 10:52 AM
I was thinking clear satin laquer followed by lots of spray on wax (I know the wax it makes a huge difference in keeping my wheels clean)

What are you going to do about the fronts? Upgrade to C5 calipers?

that spray on wax...is that like the detail spray quick shine?? what do you use?

man I dont know about the fronts, I have bought rebuild kits for them, but after listening to you guys i want to do that but but but.......I still have to get her exhaust better, and tune so i'm stuck with probably just rebuilding them for now. I just have it jacked up in back for the rear stuff, and was going to get all that repairs done then tackle the front calipers, cuz i wanted to flush all the old fluid out as completely as possible. I do have ceramic pads for the fronts i bought to put on also.
I just need to win that dam lotto :pray

kinda sucks that calipers are gonna look good and the rest under there needs alot of cleaning, i need 4 arms and 8 eight legs and lotto :mrgreen:

06-05-2010, 11:00 AM
:jawdrop: Nice Caliper!

You da Man Luis!:thumbsup:

Now write up the steps, taking it apart & going back together, including any "gotcha's" that maybe lurking and send this in to our newsletter....aren't I great at spending your time!?Straight up, I think your step by step would make a great addition to the "How To" section under "brakes".....


I am in no-way a qualified brake caliper guy, i just like taking $&it apart.
I will record what I am doing, but im sure others might have different & way better methods,and access to better tools and/or chemicals.

I'm just a mex/italian STALLION :razz: well thats what i pay my wife to call me........:sign10: just havent saved enough yet ...

gotta go get under z...later.....

06-05-2010, 12:22 PM
OK I am bringing you mine now!

06-05-2010, 12:33 PM
OK I am bringing you mine now!

bring em on :icon_thum

we need to order some kits for yours though.
let me know when you will be ready, I will have a set of back up rear calipers soon, i just need to rebuild them too, and then we can remove yours and swap in my extra rebuilt ones, until i would get yours done, then swap back, so you wont be without the z.


06-05-2010, 12:46 PM
Great job :cheers:

You could paint the calipers with caliper paint of any color :thumbsup:


thought hard about it but couldnt decide on a color. was think gloss black
since it blk/blk but just dont know......

06-06-2010, 08:51 AM
the clear laquer dulls it out alot.