View Full Version : 1991 Fuel Injectors

05-28-2010, 02:07 PM
Anybody have a reliable source for injectors for the LT5? Its a shame I have to replace them after 2400 vehicle miles

05-28-2010, 02:14 PM
Jon Banner w/ FIC injectors - 770 888 1662.
Many on this forum bought injrctors from FIC.

05-28-2010, 02:17 PM
Great !!Thank You

Z Factor
05-28-2010, 02:34 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum. :handshak:

Most people either stick with the GM injectors, or go with RC's, Accel's or Bosch as cost effective alternatives.
If you decide to go OEM then you can contact Bill at P&G as he typically has the best prices. His number is (888) 870-0280
There are several sources for the aforementioned aftermarket injectors, one having already been referred to you.

Good luck.


05-28-2010, 02:49 PM
Im running with RC's. http://www.rceng.com/

A few folks are running with Accels as well. I do not suggest the OEM GM version as they cant tolerate the modern day fuel additives. The RCs are made stainless inserts so they wont rust like the OEM style as well. Not sure what the FIC inserts are made of. Welcome to the board. :wave:

05-28-2010, 03:08 PM
I can supply gaskets & seals for the job. New injectors should come with new o-rings, U & L. For the 90~92 models, primary injectors are sealed with a different lower o-ring which is installed into a groove in the injector housing. Remove the small o-ring from the bottom of the PRIMARY injector ONLY before installing.

I recommend replacement of the lower primary injector seal(o-ring). Although your Zee only has 2400 miles, it is 20 years old. Seals take sets and get hard & thereby more prone to leakage. My web address is below my signature. If you have any questions regarding what is required or recommended, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

05-28-2010, 04:03 PM
Jerry and Jon are both great guys to deal with - highly recommend them.

Just replaced the injectors on my 90. I considered the Accells, the RC's and the Multec look alikes. The accells are cheapest, RC's most expensive - I went middle of the road and bought the Multec look alikes. They are apparently made by same manufacturer in same factory as the RC's.

You should definitely give Jon a call and discuss options - regardless of whether you decide to choose him as a supplier.

05-28-2010, 09:54 PM
My 90 is an NCRS car. If you want the OEM look, call Jon Banner at FIC. My car judged with no deducts at the Texas Regional last year.
