View Full Version : F1 in Austin 2012 and beyond

05-25-2010, 05:20 PM

The comments are priceless :rolleyes:

05-25-2010, 07:43 PM
I saw that from another source. It is on the F1 site too, so it seems confirmed. I didn't check the AW site to see the comments, but I doubt much has changed. There used to be a lot of pinheaded comments.

flyin ryan
05-26-2010, 10:42 AM
Interesting...Be great if it actually flies :-D

05-26-2010, 11:08 AM
Article in the San Antonio paper today says the venue will be a new facility to be built within 10 miles of Bergstrom (Austin) Airport. The race date is not specified, but it had better not be in the summer ... hopefully before June or after September.

05-28-2010, 03:54 PM
More info: http://www.autoweek.com/article/20100528/F1/100529787

07-09-2010, 02:26 PM
Well Glenn! Looks like me Sanjay and Will Barrett will be joining you for that race. Lived in Austin 10 years before moving to Houston. I must admit I'm suprised that they chose Austin. It's a fairly small city full of pot smoking hippies from UT. And there are not many hills out around burgstrum. But just west of Austin tons of hills. It would be pretty cool seeing F1 cars flying up I35 at 230mph.

07-27-2010, 01:04 PM
Here's the latest - a site has been identified:


Financing by San Antonio local Red McCombs (former owner of the Minneapolis Vikings and
local car dealer).

09-24-2010, 11:50 AM
update: ttp://www.autoweek.com/article/20100921/F1/100929967

Looks like the track will be available for general use too. And it's only 50 miles from the Breitung homestead.

01-03-2011, 03:47 PM
Breaking ground:


flyin ryan
01-04-2011, 11:00 AM
I seen that, good stuff :).

04-13-2011, 01:01 PM
Formula One plans get grander with MotoGP race, more facilities ---

From the Austin TX "newspaper":


Comment by Red McCombs is priceless: "It's not exactly your Sunday goat-roping in Beeville," Red McCombs, a San Antonio billionaire who is an investor in the F1 enterprise, joked at a news conference at the Palmer Events Center.

F1 race is planned for late 2012.

06-03-2011, 12:44 PM
The new U.S. Formula One Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, has received a preliminary date of June 17, 2012--smack in the middle of summer and presenting a hot climate for race fans who wish to attend. Temperatures in Austin in June easily hover around the 100-degree mark. The FIA has listed 21 races .


I'll be there ...

flyin ryan
06-07-2011, 10:52 AM
Back to back with Montreal (Canada) is the reason. One trip to North America instead of two. As far as compitition from stick & ball sports, it's not a horrible time.

08-11-2011, 12:02 PM
It's beginning to look like the event will be in November instead of June:


Maybe November 18, 2012:


Mystic ZR-1
08-11-2011, 09:30 PM
If we have to have Formula 1 in the USA (who cares?), it should be at Watkins Glen, failing that, it should be at Indy and why not on the oval? Austin will fail, just like all the rest!

08-12-2011, 10:42 AM
The Indy F1 track never seemed that interesting, and F1 on an oval would be a total snooze.

It does seem like the odds are stacked against Austin, but it would be nice to see F1 return here. There are already so many nice racetracks in the US, and they already exist, so I'm not sure what makes Austin special in terms of getting it done. But best of luck to them.

08-23-2011, 01:36 PM
David Coulthard takes Red Bull F1 car onto Circuit of the Americas dirt track

Read more: http://www.autoweek.com/article/20110823/F1/110829958#ixzz1VsHUfjsD

He did some doughnuts on 6th Street in Austin last Saturday too.

09-04-2011, 07:31 PM
The first Austin race is scheduled for Nov 18, 2012. Be there or be square.


12-07-2011, 12:01 PM
Bernie got his money and the race is still on the calendar:


The west wing at casa Breitung is open for business ...