View Full Version : Door panels pulling off - solved!

05-22-2010, 08:11 PM
I know a lot of these cars, especially 94 and 95s, have issue w/ door panel slipping off when doors are shut.
Well, since I had door panel off to check door lock I decided to examine what was causing the panel to slip off the top.
Upon careful examination I noticed internal rib molded onto the panel had cracked and separating - this is what shows up as 3 puckers on the outside of the panel. Solution? Heat the back of the curvature w/ a hairdryer set at high as squeezing the curved portion (increase the curvature) and wait for it to cool while holding it in position - problem solved! I may go back w/ some fiberglass matt and crazy glue - best way to fix these door panels (from the back).
As for the door lock, now I am positive it's the tumbler. I guess I will have to order a set w/ new keys.

05-22-2010, 11:38 PM
Which the exception of the neat console doors the 94-96 door panels suck. They always crack at the ribbing on the upper back side. The earlier panels do as well over time but it seems the later panels always go first. On the other forum a owner reinfoced each of the ribs with Aluminum cut to fit and epoxy. Seemed to be a solid solution to the floppy door panel problem.

05-22-2010, 11:46 PM
Which the exception of the neat console doors the 94-96 door panels suck. They always crack at the ribbing on the upper back side. The earlier panels do as well over time but it seems the later panels always go first. On the other forum a owner reinfoced each of the ribs with Aluminum cut to fit and epoxy. Seemed to be a solid solution to the floppy door panel problem.

Once reshaped w/ hair dryer, you can cut fiberglas mat to shape desired, hold it where it needs to be and dab crazy glue over the mat. The rubbery material panel is made of bonds well to mat and crazy glue. I already used this method to tab holes along the bottom edge and it worked real well.

05-23-2010, 12:13 PM
part of the reason we have this problem is we pull the door closed from the top alot,instead of useing the handle in the middle of the panel . i had this problem with my 90 and noticed how i closed the door. i changed the way i closed the door when i get in the car and havent had a problem since . granted they could have built the panels better .......

05-23-2010, 12:46 PM
Also, looking at how dimples form where ribs are indicates cabin side is in tension. it could be the finish layer shrinks as time goes on.