View Full Version : China is making money off our club!!

05-22-2010, 02:36 PM
look @ this!!!!!

Wonder if they got permission to do this? NOT! :icon_scra


05-22-2010, 03:08 PM
Keith prolly traded his ok for some asian sheep.look @ this!!!!!

Wonder if they got permission to do this? NOT! :icon_scra


05-22-2010, 06:20 PM
Ill be willing to bet that lighter would never work.

If you want a real lighter it needs to be a zippo, I have had the chepos in the past and they suck. This is BS but what can you do amazing..

05-22-2010, 07:21 PM
Ill be willing to bet that lighter would never work.

If you want a real lighter it needs to be a zippo, I have had the chepos in the past and they suck. This is BS but what can you do amazing..

There was a report on TV about a year ago about counterfeiting. They said Zippo sales were never higher, ever. Problem is about 80% are "made in China" counterfeit. Consequently, Zippo was on the verge of bankruptcy...

In China, they say, "anything can be a counterfeit except your mother".

05-22-2010, 07:45 PM
That listing is gone now. I saw it earlier today and was wondering what the deal was.

05-22-2010, 10:46 PM
When I was a Battalion Commander with the 11th ACR out at Fort Irwin CA. I was in charge of a M109A3 Artillery Battalion (Some of the best times of my life). The 11th ACR had not had an Artillery Battalion attached to it since the days of the Vietnam war and the late 70s in Germany guarding the Fulda valley. On our website we created a logo with Cross Cannons imposed upon the 11th ACR Blackhorse logo. About six months after doing that our logo started appearing on military "new bright toys" made in China. We guess they liked our logo too. In short not surprised, Those buggers copy everything. :wave:

05-24-2010, 09:24 PM
worry more about them copying our cars, engineering, and anything else they can. it happens.

05-24-2010, 09:57 PM
worry more about them copying our cars, engineering, and anything else they can. it happens.

They actually copied (more than just styling) the last gen. Hyundai, Santa Fe. Hyundai tried to take them to court but gave up after wasting a lot of money - unfriendly court!