View Full Version : Paint removal

05-20-2010, 12:58 PM
Well, as some of you know, I just had my car repainted recently.
Gas door cap was painted before and there was a little run between the crease where it's depressed (inside the emblem lower circle).
I forgot to instruct Brian to clean this area out before the paint shoot.

For theses reasons, now I have a gas door with 3 coats of paint and if reshot, it would be the fourth coat which I am not too crazy about. So, I ordered another used gas door on ebay (claimed it was black). Well, this one is actually Polo Green carapely shot over a factory silver!

So, I figured I would strip two layers of paint off this door.

Question is - can this be soda or some type of media blasted without damaging the panel (which I figure is fiberglass)?

Is chemical stripping be easier on the door?

I am scheduled to return to the painter for a final buff and partial reshoot in 3 weeks.

05-20-2010, 01:18 PM
really its about having a good base that the paint can adhear to it could be blasted but If they are going to paint it I would drop it off with them and have them take care of it.

They can paint that little guy before they are done buffing.

If you want to strip it use citrus strip its non toxic and works pretty good you can get it home depot or walmart.

05-20-2010, 01:29 PM
Thanks, Phrog,

It's this sickness in me - can't stand the idea of having any color than what it is suppose to be below the surface!

Yes, she was repainted but it's black underneath also...

05-20-2010, 01:48 PM
here is some trivia for you.

Both of the 90s that I have worked on both of them had red mirrors

under the black color coat they were boht red. I thought something was on on the first set but then on this one as well they were red.

so red mirrors were repinted black for these cars.


05-20-2010, 03:18 PM
here is some trivia for you.

Both of the 90s that I have worked on both of them had red mirrors

under the black color coat they were boht red. I thought something was on on the first set but then on this one as well they were red.

so red mirrors were repinted black for these cars.


From the factory?
So, I need to strip both mirrors, paint red and then repaint black!!!:mrgreen:

I noticed red bird cage on redcars were painted black and then painted red. GM brilliance...

ZR-1nce removed
05-21-2010, 08:55 AM
I still have not seen you garage queen since the repaint. I'm looking forward to the next event so I can check it out!

05-21-2010, 09:03 AM
I still have not seen you garage queen since the repaint. I'm looking forward to the next event so I can check it out!

I drove it to work yesterday and today, buddy! She woke up on the good side today - ran like a champ!
Today, it was a little embarassing since the door key is stuck in the driverside door. After driving to work, driverside door lock (actual locking) is refusing to engage. But the alrm did set. If a bad guys opens at least it will get noisy and disengae the starter.
I strongly suspect cylider to lock mechanism connecting rod must have dislodged and jammed in there. Vibration from driving over pot holes must have shifted the damn thing resulting in further binding.

Give me 3 more weeks. Car is scheduled to go back for another round of buffing after curing.

Next is wheels!

ZR-1nce removed
05-21-2010, 09:31 AM
[QUOTE=secondchance;90232]I drove it to work yesterday and today, buddy! She woke up on the good side today - ran like a champ!

I drove mine to work the past two days also! (but it was my C-6 so that probably doesn't count)

05-21-2010, 06:43 PM
From the factory?
So, I need to strip both mirrors, paint red and then repaint black!!!:mrgreen:

I noticed red bird cage on redcars were painted black and then painted red. GM brilliance...

I can only assume that they were this way from the factory but I see no evidence of a prior repaint on my first one, This one Im not sure if it has been painted or not because lots of paint is cooming off in sheets.

but it is funny to have to black cars and both sets of mirrors were painted red before.

and my cars are months apart #354 and #845

05-21-2010, 07:58 PM
but it is funny to have to black cars and both sets of mirrors were painted red before.

and my cars are months apart #354 and #845

So it really is true, all Corvettes are Red. :sign10:

05-21-2010, 11:56 PM
So it really is true, all Corvettes are Red. :sign10:

perhaps I found the truth behind that books title

they put a little red on everyone hahaha