View Full Version : original window sticker

12-10-2005, 11:46 AM
Might be a dumb question from a new Z owner, but is it ok to laminate the window sticker? I would like it protected for local car shows and general wear and tear. I know I can get a repro. but is there any value in keeping the original untouched. Thanks Rick

12-11-2005, 04:00 AM
I got my window sticker and build sheet from the NCM.
When I took them to my local print/copy shop,
they color copied each and laminated the copies.
Good Luck,
Ted Feder

12-11-2005, 08:14 AM
Hey Rick what about staples or office depot for one of those big clear document sleeves? I was thinking of trying to find one that would fit my original that came with my owner's kit also. Just a thought.

I haven't looked at those places yet because I don't think my car shows well with all the road nicks on the front so I sorta gave up on the car show thing. I use it too much for it to be good enough to put in a show.:o

Besides what would be the difference if you used the ones ya get from NCM. Those are from GM.

12-11-2005, 01:23 PM
Thanks guys, You are right I will make copies. I was just getting caught up in the original doc. thing. As far as car shows go I want to show the car because it gives a great opportunity to help educate the masses on what great cars the ZR1's are. The C5 and C6 are great cars but they are a dime a dozen. KInkos is open 24/7 I will go hit them up for some copies.