View Full Version : MagnaFlow Exhaust Fitment

04-23-2010, 06:15 PM
I decided to modify the Magnaflow exhaust I got so that the mufflers would not hang as low as previously. Did a few mods, (thanks Al, =Jeff=) and below are some pics of the revised look. Basically, in order for the tips to be aligned with the face of the rear fascia, the muffler can itself would interfere with the rearmost chassis rail. In addtion, the muffler hangars were too high off the muffler body to allow the muffler to tuck up into the exhaust cutout. I pushed the mufflers back further, so they are currently slightly recessed into the exhaust cutout but now they tuck up nicely without the entire muffler can hanging like some herniated ricer car.
Took pics while car was getting re-aligned due to lowering of rear end





Think this looks much better. :mrgreen:

04-23-2010, 06:30 PM
nicely done, looks great !

I've got to do the same thing on mine, needs to be pulled up about 3/4 inch to tuck in nicely, like yours now does.

Paul Workman
04-23-2010, 06:46 PM
Yep! Dom, I know zackly whatcha mean, re the MF system as it comes out of the box: sucks as delivered (IMO). My situation with the MFs is identical to yours.

Now, my previous Borlas had a bracket with a slotted channel in it so the tips could be adjusted to uniform height, relative to the fascia. I wish the MFs had the same setup. But, instead I guess they either don't give a hoot, or think all setups are identical and thus provide zero adjustment w/o taking it to an "Al" somewhere to get it right.

Soon as I figure out what combination of chambered muffler/resonators, or not or flappers or not works to my liking, I'll have ol Al tack it up for me as you did.


04-23-2010, 06:51 PM
That exhaust looks MEAN! :cool:

04-23-2010, 08:32 PM

The fitment for the MagnaFlow is based on connecting to the stock LT-1 head pipes. Introducing headers etc. changes everything especially our LT5 stuff. Having said that the tips need to be extended in order to be flush with the rear fascia. However, I really don't have a problem with the recessed look I have now. In fact, looking at the stock exhaust on a 94 ZR, the recess is the same.

04-23-2010, 11:44 PM
That is very nice. I like the square tips but yours has a very mean look and I like it :thumbsup:

Paul Workman
04-24-2010, 12:03 AM

The fitment for the MagnaFlow is based on connecting to the stock LT-1 head pipes. Introducing headers etc. changes everything especially our LT5 stuff. Having said that the tips need to be extended in order to be flush with the rear fascia. However, I really don't have a problem with the recessed look I have now. In fact, looking at the stock exhaust on a 94 ZR, the recess is the same.


No, I don't think the differences between the LT5 vs. LTx is the issue. There is enough collective length adjustment within the various joints to assimilate any minor position differences stemming from engine type. Case in point: My system is fabricated from various parts of three systems. Certainly, any minor dimensional differences resulting from different motors would no longer influence my MF muffler mounting. But! I have the same problem as you had.

The problem is the short tips combined with that fixed, rigid hanger. Longer tips and an adjustable hanger bracket would allow the tips to extend slightly AND still the muffler body would clear that brace so the muff could be drawn up (the way yours are now), methinks:thumbsup:. And...long tips might afford purchase for a flapper...Just a thought!;)


04-24-2010, 08:47 AM
Looks much better! I also really dislike how the whole system hung below the car. Nice work!

Paul Workman
04-24-2010, 10:54 AM
I also really dislike how the whole system hung below the car. Nice work!

I suppose you're right from an aesthetic point of view. But! Hung as it is, the exhaust system on the C4s is a piece o' cake to work on :thumbsup:(relatively speaking), especially if doing some mix n match experimentation.;)


04-24-2010, 11:31 AM
Has that FACTORY installed look now!

Good Job!!!

04-24-2010, 11:44 AM
Which Magnaflow mufflers do you have?
Are you running headers? with or without cats?
Any other mods to the exhaust?
Sound? how loud? any resonance?

04-24-2010, 09:03 PM
Which Magnaflow mufflers do you have?
Are you running headers? with or without cats?
Any other mods to the exhaust?
Sound? how loud? any resonance?

he is using the LT1/4 Catback, head pipe massaged to fit

he is also running Watson 1-7/8" headers, no cats

there is resonance, but it is not that bad.. it is tolerable for the in cabin noise as well, you definitely here to rumble in the car