View Full Version : ok tearing apart the ZR-1 for paint

04-21-2010, 11:59 PM
OK the old dog is going to get paint Im trying to get it done before bowling green so we will see what happens!!

pictures to come.

A little background when I bought this car It needed paint one reason why I got it so cheap.

so I have most of the interior out, front bumper is off still need to pull off all the smaller parts but initial sanding will start tomorrow should be painting next weekend.

04-22-2010, 01:57 AM
That's pretty ambitious. Three weeks to Bowling Green, the clock is ticking! Are you painting the car the same color? Doing it yourself or sourcing it out? Good luck. This sounds like an episode for one of those shows on T.V. You know once it's apart, you will want to do more. :thumbsup:

04-22-2010, 03:08 PM
nah if it doesnt make it before BG then no worries Ill still be there just without the ZR-1.

theres not to many while im theres it will get new paint, new weatherstripping, polish the glass and I want to polish the wheels thats something I have never done!

As for the paint Im doing everything but shooting the base and clear im just not THAT good at it so My cousin is doing it for me for $200.

Already bought my paint my base and clear coat along with my primer cost just under $750 through sherwin williams.

Now its time to get busy my bigest problem is some fiberglass on the hood it is ugly like chunks missing under the paint don't know if it was a prior repaint or what but if someone fixed this area they did not fix it worth a damn.

04-22-2010, 07:06 PM






04-22-2010, 07:07 PM


04-22-2010, 07:25 PM
ouch.. that looks like one unloved ZR-1! Good luck with the repaint! :thumbsup: It will be really interesting to see how it looks after.

04-23-2010, 01:03 AM
The "before" pics are definitely not pretty, looking forward to the "after" pics

05-04-2010, 01:28 AM

Unfortunatly I have had a few set backs and Im not sure if the car will make BG.

Been working on the hood mostly with all the rock chips and the corners its taken up most of my time so about 10 hours total work so far.

But here are some pics.







05-04-2010, 01:29 AM
Right not im doing the initial sanding so thats why the rear bumper is still on get the first cut on it done then it will be removed.

The primer coat that I did today is the initial to fill in all the damaged areas that I worked on sand this and then it will get a complete primer tomorrow as long as it doesnt rain. Then sand that and I should be done with the hood.





05-04-2010, 02:26 AM
Man i don't know how you do it,there was another guy here did the same.
I'm not a waxer never was and it shows i just don't have the patience for it,i would rather yank lt5 motors blind folded and drop it on my big toe.

Man i look at that and get tired and frustrated.

Johnny i give you :thumbsup:

I don't mean this as an insult,i'm just a little envy.:)
I wish i had a little waxer in me, not in that way:p


05-04-2010, 06:53 AM
I'm with Pete on this kind of work. I hate body work, just way to much elbow grease.

:thumbsup: from me too amigo!!

05-04-2010, 09:07 AM
Looking good Johnny!!!

I like seeing pictures of the progress you have made

05-04-2010, 12:52 PM
Well Im no waxer but Ill have to wax it at least once after im done.

But the paint was falling off of the car so it needed to be done.:mrgreen:

05-04-2010, 02:07 PM
I have # 354 that Johnny worked his magic on. I no doubt that this Z will ROCK when he is done with it.:thumbsup:

05-07-2010, 08:32 AM
I have painted several C4's . Its much easier to take the hood off (getting it back on and aligned, well thats another story) and paint it seperate and using Eastwoods undercarriage black is an exact match to the factory finish for the undserside - make sure it completely degreased! Also, I don't know what primer your using but from experience, 2k primer is MUCH better on the Corvette to hide old paint lines and bleed through. I HIGHLY recommend it over even a good regular primer! Good Luck!

05-07-2010, 10:16 AM
Man bring back memeories of what I just finishd, the rear bumper comes off real easy and I pulled the rear glass off too, made it much easier to paint under it but then there went the seals so you may be on a better track. I am having my wheels done as we speak so we will have twins great job

05-07-2010, 10:37 AM
afriend of mine that paints high end cars for a living . is using all aircraft primers fillers skims )base coat and their clear . it got this neat little effect of having roadside rocks just bounce off without going through the clear. mark does 3 4 coats of clear as he does some color sanding. and want it like a perfect mirror . but he tells me its only about 200 more to use the aircraft stuff .,remeber houw are cars are shaped below the gig line . rock city :sign10:

05-07-2010, 12:50 PM
I have painted several C4's . Its much easier to take the hood off (getting it back on and aligned, well thats another story) and paint it seperate and using Eastwoods undercarriage black is an exact match to the factory finish for the undserside - make sure it completely degreased! Also, I don't know what primer your using but from experience, 2k primer is MUCH better on the Corvette to hide old paint lines and bleed through. I HIGHLY recommend it over even a good regular primer! Good Luck!

you are correct about pulling the hood but all im doing in those pics was the initial primer The hood is off now because it needs more work and more primer and even more sanding im thinking about pulling off the doors off this car as well not to worry this car will be pulled apart for paint.

heres the pics of #354's doors and hood getting paint.


I hate all these rock chips they really do a job on the paint, I think this car was daily driven behind gravel truck on a dirt road covered in rocks it is peppered. I really wanted to get this done before next week but im not going to kill myself to make it happen.

I am using 2k primer everything I have for this job is Sherwin williams ultra 7000 series products ill have to get me some of that eastwood paint for the bottom of the hood.

Any ideas on freshening up the plastic wheel wells?

05-07-2010, 12:58 PM
Man bring back memeories of what I just finishd, the rear bumper comes off real easy and I pulled the rear glass off too, made it much easier to paint under it but then there went the seals so you may be on a better track. I am having my wheels done as we speak so we will have twins great job

I think I comented on yours on the corvette forum the last ZR-1 I did I completely tore it apart, this one the bumper will come off, the hatch will come off the hood will be off and pissibly the doors as well, I havent decided on the doors yet.


05-07-2010, 01:24 PM
On the wheel well plastic liners I use that stuff Adams makes, it's a dressing I think it's the "Undercarriage Spray"? It's a dark colored liquid.

Mine look like they've been strafed by rocks. I used a strong solution of Adams general cleaner soap ( the green stuff ) with one of those sponges with the scrubbing pad on the back. After the wash & rinse, I spray the dressing and buff it with an old tee shirt. It kind of hides the whitish looking collection of rock chips. I suppose you could paint it after some sanding with chassis black. I never went that far with mine. The Adams stuff works well enough for me, they look black at least...but they don't look glass smooth if you look closely at them you can tell they have been around the block a few times.


05-07-2010, 05:31 PM
:cheers: So right you go way further than I want to for sure, keep them pics coming :cheers:

05-07-2010, 08:13 PM
you are correct about pulling the hood but all im doing in those pics was the initial primer The hood is off now because it needs more work and more primer and even more sanding im thinking about pulling off the doors off this car as well not to worry this car will be pulled apart for paint.

heres the pics of #354's doors and hood getting paint.


I hate all these rock chips they really do a job on the paint, I think this car was daily driven behind gravel truck on a dirt road covered in rocks it is peppered. I really wanted to get this done before next week but im not going to kill myself to make it happen.

I am using 2k primer everything I have for this job is Sherwin williams ultra 7000 series products ill have to get me some of that eastwood paint for the bottom of the hood.

Any ideas on freshening up the plastic wheel wells?
if there is undercoating or black paint on fenderwells, spray paint stripper on them and let them sit , otherwise use acrylic solvent as the stripper will make them look new, it takes a little of the deep black out of the finish.

06-02-2010, 09:52 AM
how is this progressing along?

06-02-2010, 11:28 AM
Ok the paint job is on hold at the moment but will return in a few months.
I have started school and It seems my 90 is one of the Vettes that had a complete paint failure, I am finding paint peeling off in areas under the weatherstripping moldings. so It will need to be completely stripped off.

So im in school for paint and refinishing so I will be able to make a better post in the future.

stay tuned this spring.

08-14-2014, 07:47 PM

I'm back to work on this ZR-1

The paint failure is a real bitch I tell ya more photos coming I promise!

08-14-2014, 08:17 PM
Ok the paint job is on hold at the moment but will return in a few months.
I have started school and It seems my 90 is one of the Vettes that had a complete paint failure, I am finding paint peeling off in areas under the weatherstripping moldings. so It will need to be completely stripped off.

So im in school for paint and refinishing so I will be able to make a better post in the future.

stay tuned this spring.

YiKEs! Spring 2015? 3015?

Mine is going under the brush soon - hope it's not the same 'this Spring', although we never know....................

08-15-2014, 09:37 AM

I'm back to work on this ZR-1

The paint failure is a real bitch I tell ya more photos coming I promise!
Johnny welcome back:cheers: You are the man for this job. Are you headed to Carlisle ?

08-15-2014, 07:20 PM
Johnny welcome back:cheers: You are the man for this job. Are you headed to Carlisle ?

Yep I'll be there!

The paint is so bad on this car im not so sure Ill bring it but well see.

The plan was to have it done for carslile but the paint is so bad on this I had to add way more Hrs to sanding it getting ready for primer.

So I wanted primer on this monday and im still dealing with this crap paint job from GM.

08-16-2014, 02:28 AM
This is today

09-03-2014, 04:20 AM
Ok primer going in tomorrow, took a lot of time to remove the peeling paint.

Damn pain in the but. I have so much bare SMC I need to get it in primer. I'll get to the good after I get this shot. Then yank the hood off let the primer sit for a few days and get the hood done.

09-03-2014, 10:39 PM
A little evercoat feather fill. Now I think I'm going to let it sit for a little bit so it can shrink.

We Gone
09-04-2014, 12:05 AM
Lookin good, keep the pics coming