View Full Version : Great help.

04-19-2010, 11:01 AM
Bill Boudreau called me this weekend and said I here you keep loosing your T/B. He said replace the fork and the pivot ball. If the fork gets it's fingers spread out just a hair then it will allow enough play for the T/B bearing to get side ways. He said the Spec stage 3plus clutch kit I bought is an awesome clutch but the first time I start the car up after install it will make a swoosh sound. After that it will be less noticeable. It does that because it has much more clamping force than stock. He also said that the driveshaft tail nose spline can get stretched out and cause enough play to cause a little vibration. He gave me the Spicer part# for it and where to get it. It was a very fruitful conversation. He also told me about a great technique on how to use feeler gauges to evenly torque down the clutch bolts so when the pressure plate engages that it will ensure even surface contact.:thumbsup:

04-19-2010, 12:02 PM
Bill B rocks :thumbsup:

04-19-2010, 04:35 PM
We are truly lucky to know people like Mr. B.:cheers:

04-19-2010, 06:11 PM
We are lucky he is here in AZ, he da man

04-19-2010, 06:49 PM
Bill B rocks :thumbsup:

I love living in "Wazzooo" land, but how great would it be to live close to Bill B....

You guys are lucky!!!!!!!!!



Paul Workman
04-19-2010, 10:00 PM
Yes, Bill is da man.

Feeler gauge? As it happens...I could prolly use that procedure in a couple weeks. So, doooo tell!!


12-27-2010, 01:54 AM
rick did you lose your t bearing again ?????? let me know if so maybe i can move up my timetable and share the tricks bill showed me with ya

12-27-2010, 02:07 AM
yeah rick....whats up?

12-27-2010, 08:28 AM
Throwout bearing source :cheers:
Albiet this seems pricey ;)


Okay, I'm not 100% sure but I thought that our input shaft collars were a different diameter than the L98/LT1/LT4 transmissions???? If my memory is correct wouldn't that make a release bearing for a ZF in an LT5 a different part number due to it's inside diameter of it's collar??

12-27-2010, 08:50 AM
Yes, Bill is da man.

Feeler gauge? As it happens...I could prolly use that procedure in a couple weeks. So, doooo tell!!


Same here. Care to share?

12-30-2010, 09:58 AM
Nice write up Cliff!:thumbsup:

Hey, I wonder why the zf release bearing works that way? Maybe because it pulls instead of pushes?

I saw a thread over at CF in the ZR-1 section. A person is using a C2 with I think a custom chassis as a new home for an LT5. He ditched our release bearing system for one that I think is like the C5 & C6 type. No slave and no fork (?) ... I should say here that I'm not fluent in C5 or C6 so I could be wrong. However the pictures that were posted show an LT5 bell housing with the slave mount machined off and a block off plate with a hydraulic line exiting from it. He had to do this because the slave would have been in the driver's foot well.


12-30-2010, 11:56 AM
bill has also come up with a new set up he is using on his LS1 converson in his 89. which still uses a hydrolic clutch but changes the system to the standard type of clutch release . i will call hima and see if he will post up what he did . i am thinking of going to his new set up on one of my cars .

12-30-2010, 12:49 PM
This is exactly what the Throwout Bearing looks like as cited above in both cases as the differences in internal diameter is not noticeable from a picture only.



The diameter is not visually noticeable, but the late model style has a plastic type of bushing inside. I would imagine it's for friction reduction in lieu of grease.

As usual Cliff, very nice write-up.