View Full Version : SYS light,,
04-14-2010, 11:13 PM
I am getting a SYS blinking three times and the range goes to 0. The speedo doesnt work and no SES light. How do I draw the codes out, I tried the grounding the a and g terminals with no luck.
Tomorrows project will be clean the terminals below the battery...any ideas
04-15-2010, 06:54 AM
Okay, usually....and I stress usually that symptom is a bad battery. It goes along also with your other thread.
How old is the battery? Our cars are electric hogs because of the old er electronics. Not as power use efficient as the newer stuff on today's cars.
If the battery resting state voltage is below 12v, the "sys" light will flash when you try to start the car. Also, if the battery is too far into the 11v range the LCD does all kinds of strange things. Check the voltage as it's proly below the 12v mark.
04-15-2010, 08:19 AM
Will no SES light, it could be the PROM ECM or burnt bulb.. I have an ECM you could check to see if SES works,
04-15-2010, 10:10 AM
TomTom I replaced the battery when I had the battery drain problem this spring. Today it getting a good bench charge and will check it this evening when I get home.
Jeff Im getting SES with key on engine not running. Just no ses light when car is running. I was told ecm must be getting a signal for the vss if no ses light. CCM sends speedo , cruise and radio the vss signal.
Ill check battery tonight and clean conections like Pizza Bob suggested...
04-15-2010, 10:28 AM
Does SES light blink once when you first turn key to ON, not start? If it does, that's the ECM checking OK.
Guys he's getting SYS not SES.
SYS is usually a low or bad Battery.
04-15-2010, 11:53 AM
I've had the same problem, bet your climate control doesn't work either. For some reason when the battery goes low, it blows the A/C fuse and you will be unable to pull any codes. There's a one liner in the FSM about not being able to pull the codes with that particular fuse blown. Charge up the battery, replace the fuse and I'll bet all will be good again.
04-15-2010, 11:24 PM
Didnt have time to do much tonight. Charged the battery all day and was at 12.8v . Started the car and same problem. I did notice the ses light did not come on when key on engine off. Saturday I check the bulb and go from there.
Did check all the fuses and they were good.
04-15-2010, 11:26 PM
We are all having gremlins in Illinois, I am getting my ASR and ABS lights coming on but no codes.
04-16-2010, 08:13 AM
We are all having gremlins in Illinois, I am getting my ASR and ABS lights coming on but no codes.
When you "Key On", are you getting the SES blink once?
Are you currently running a chip piggybacked on stock chip using adapter.
I found out that my problem Sunday at Haibeck's was BOTH the stock chip and my Ostrich. I re-burned the chip and now it's running fine. Still trying to eliminate adapter from the issue.
I think Ostrich may be DOA although it uploads and downloads fine.
04-16-2010, 07:41 PM
I know that I would not run out and buy a new battery just yet.
I'd check the battery connections first. Then I'd give it a good charge.
04-16-2010, 10:49 PM
Last time I saw a SYS light the INST fuse was blown. Replaced fuse SYS went away.
04-16-2010, 11:49 PM
Had limited time this evening. Found out that the SES light doesnt work at all. Pulled codes an got a C41. Battery held 12.6 volts all day so battery is good. Will do more looking in the morning.
04-17-2010, 07:51 AM
according to my 90's FSM a 41 = wrong or bad MEMCAL.
04-17-2010, 08:07 AM
I think MEMCAL is FSM-speak for "chip" or EPROM or PROM ( not the senior prom either:p )
04-17-2010, 08:51 AM
It was a C41 code read from grounding the G & A terminals and displayed on the speedo not the SES light is that still the correct reading? I have a FSM but am having a hard time finding the codes in it ...
04-17-2010, 09:01 AM
It was a C41 code read from grounding the G & A terminals and displayed on the speedo not the SES light is that still the correct reading? I have a FSM but am having a hard time finding the codes in it ...
That C41 is for the CCM not ECM.. it is a ECM/CCM COMMs error. either the UART in the CCM is bad, the CCM is bad or one of the other components is bad that connects tot he same Serial bus
EBCM (ABS ECM) AC controller and Radio also connect tot he Serial line
04-17-2010, 09:23 AM
Sorry, my bad:o
I've never been in the 8D section of my FSM. You should see how clean the pages are. Your page is 8D-47, near the back of the thick book that has "Service Manual" on the cover. It's not the supplement LT5 book or the Electrical Book.
I do not have a scanner on my P/C so I can't send you the pages.
The opening step of the diagnostic chart is not very involved. I can write it in a post if need be?
04-17-2010, 12:31 PM
Okay this morning I removed the stereo head unit that was repaired this winter and the sys light is gone. -=jeff=- is going to borrow me a spare and see if that is the problem.
Also am going to try a different ECM to see if that helps the SES light issue.
04-18-2010, 12:29 PM
okay got the ccm out this morning, checked data link wire. Have signal between aldl ,ccm, heat /ac controler and brack ecm. no signal at ecm, Going to check for open or ground next
04-18-2010, 02:39 PM
I appear to have a ground on wire d20. Meter hooked to + and get 12 + v at d20. D15 is dead all the time. This is with ccm unplugged
04-27-2010, 06:12 PM
Okay, usually....and I stress usually that symptom is a bad battery. It goes along also with your other thread.
How old is the battery? Our cars are electric hogs because of the old er electronics. Not as power use efficient as the newer stuff on today's cars.
If the battery resting state voltage is below 12v, the "sys" light will flash when you try to start the car. Also, if the battery is too far into the 11v range the LCD does all kinds of strange things. Check the voltage as it's proly below the 12v mark.
I want to confirm Tom's statement above, I was getting some weird artifacting on the LCD as well as SYS flashing intermittently while driving in place of the inst MPG figure. I knew that my battery was near the end of the road, but I didn't realize that the two problems were related. I went to Sears and picked up a new Die Hard and the SYS and LCD problems are now gone. Sounds like this is not the case for Toyvet1, but I figured I'd throw in my $.02 for those like me who scour the posts years later looking for answers to their problems.:)
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