View Full Version : iPod Touch and powered speakers>>>

03-02-2010, 08:21 AM
My lady gave me a iPod Touch (Gen 3) for my B-day.. very cool and once I explored the iTunes store apps found Pandora (free app)...hmmm wheels began to spin concerning I had a XM based stereo (sorta like a 'boom box' but less on the boom part) in the garage and this 'home' unit was running me (new rate effective March 1) $190 per year.

So I began to research powered speaker units and of course that can be a very confusing excursion to claims/cost/tastes etc. Finally narrowed down to a couple units and selected the iHome iP1 which I can say is great in sound (especially with the DPS by Bongiovi Acoustics on) (I do not listen to serious heavy metal/hip hop etc so those who do might have a different opinion) and design (that was important to me too) is a knock out>>


Now I can down load music to the iPod and play or using the Pandora apps can listen to an amazing collection of music via wifi... now to cost:
Pandora is free for 40 hrs per month; exceed 40 hrs at anytime during the month and can get unlimited time for the rest of the month for $.99; want the best (no commercials which really are far and few and a few other enhancements) and unlimited listening and it is $37 per year. XM home unit is now history needless to say...and both of my car XM units would be toast too if Pandora was on the air instead of only being internet based.

03-24-2010, 02:27 PM
Cool :cheers: