View Full Version : P&P toys
Paul Workman
02-27-2010, 10:53 AM
I've gone thru quite a bit of "ore" to find some gold. Thought I'd share a couple nuggets that I really like...
The Makita GD0800 7 to 28k rpm, constant speed, adjustable rpm 'lectric and the Snap-On PT200L pneumatic
Quality burrs (and priced below several others - even below some lesser quality) I find Fleetwood in Addison, IL to be a great source.
Well...I've done a little strategic filling (on my heads) and am now doing a little last minute shaping. Gotta put them toys to work!
02-27-2010, 05:31 PM
With a 3/4" carbide oval bur mounted up that big bruiser Makita should wade through cast aluminum like a snow blower.
02-27-2010, 10:06 PM
I'll play
Die grinder with homemade silencer, extension mandrel and 1in ball
Compressor in homemade sound reduction cabinet - this and the above silencer makes for happy neighbors.
02-27-2010, 10:27 PM
Bob you have a long shank!
Seriously, when I use more than 6" it starts to whip, using an electric with adj RPM.....but even the low setting its still it the speed or my grinder.
02-27-2010, 10:28 PM
Details on the cabinet for the compressor.. I would like to do that to mine
Jason 91
02-27-2010, 11:03 PM
Real good idea on the cabinet for the compressor.
Paul Workman
02-28-2010, 05:37 AM
Bob you have a long shank!
Seriously, when I use more than 6" it starts to whip, using an electric with adj RPM.....but even the low setting its still it the speed or my grinder.
Lee, your grinder may have a bearing issue. My POS Craftsman did the same thing. This Makita, however, does not whip - at least at moderate rpm (say 15,000 ish), and neither does the Snap-On. (I should add too that I cut the shanks to 4-1/2" to assist in reducing the whipping ;)) NOT whipping and having that long shank to where you can work around the far end of the runner and see what you are more than just nice.
Gotta look into that 1" ball tho. THAT appears to be "thee" answer to blending a smooth transition to the depth of my reference groove. (After an "oh crap" or two, I evolved to the point where I start with a 3/8ths dia., 6" (cut to 4-1/2") long shank bur and cut a longitudinal groove in the runners. Using a snap gauge I cut that groove to various depths along the length and proceed to blend the runner to that reference groove. Bob's ball would be just the ticket, methinks. (Thanks Bob!:thumbsup:) As methods and tooling evolves, I'm feel less like a "Carbide Cowboy" (as Ryan puts it:mrgreen:)
And, I like Bob's muffler idea and the compressor cabinet. I usually put the noisy (portable compressor) bastard outside and run the hose into the shop. It helps, but forget about trying to hear the radio with that thing running - sitting outside or not!
02-28-2010, 08:26 AM
I have seen the cabinet idea in a few books, just a basic cabinet lined with carpeting, cork board.....or I would think sounds deadening mat like that used in a car would work also.
02-28-2010, 12:30 PM
Bob you have a long shank!
Seriously, when I use more than 6" it starts to whip, using an electric with adj RPM.....but even the low setting its still it the speed or my grinder.
I'm mighty proud of my shank :mrgreen:
You'll never completely get away from whipping with longer bits but you can minimize it through lubrication and technique.
02-28-2010, 12:41 PM
Details on the cabinet for the compressor.. I would like to do that to mine
It's just something I threw together out of 2X4's, plywood and sound board. I got all the supplies from home depot and even had them cut the plywood for me since they have that big fancy saw. Mine is tucked under a stairwell but you could easily do something similar against a corner wall. It is not dead silent by any means but it knocks down the noise level considerably. You will get significant heat build up in the cabinet if it is not vented, I fixed this issue by using a bathroom ceiling fan.
Bathroom fan mounted inside cabinet
Outside of cabinet: PVC tube is the vent for the fan, switchbox used to turn on compressor and fan together, second water separator.
All great minds think alike.:thumbsup:
Did same with my Craftsman compresser put mine in the furthest corner made a cabinet with 1" starfoam,those suckers are loud.
flyin ryan
03-03-2010, 12:38 AM
Had a couple guys PM me wanting to see a little of my set-up. These pics were taken with my phone so they are average. Got my bench, heater/fan to the right, fan in the upper right, keep my bit's & tools on the shelf to the right, couple lights, plus the natural light with the window. Vinyl mat on my bench, easy on heads when sliding over & easy to clean. Never leave my stool, everything at my reach.
flyin ryan
03-03-2010, 12:42 AM
Mainline air, regulated air to my die-grinder, water trap & tool oiler.
flyin ryan
03-03-2010, 12:44 AM
DeVlilbis air compressor upstairs. I don't run out of air...
flyin ryan
03-03-2010, 12:46 AM
Some tools I use most often.
flyin ryan
03-03-2010, 12:47 AM
flyin ryan
03-03-2010, 12:51 AM
These are the main, but not all, carbides I go to town with. I don't keep many measuring tools around this stuff, at another area. With all these carbides laid one would think I enjoy porting [-X. Not my favorite thing to do day in & day out any more, wears on a guy after a while :cool:.
flyin ryan
03-03-2010, 12:52 AM
Didn't think they'd all fit in here, huh? Done it so many times now...
03-03-2010, 02:18 AM
Ryan.... So um like how much would you charge to come over and organize my workbench :mrgreen:
03-03-2010, 02:41 AM
Here's one for you guys - who can guess what I do with this one?
03-03-2010, 06:49 AM I see where I am seriously lacking in the tool department :(
03-03-2010, 08:34 AM
Here's one for you guys - who can guess what I do with this one?
For scratching your back or trimming toenails?
Guess it could also be useful for working inside the plenum through the throttle bores.
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