View Full Version : My first plenum pull!

rudolph schenker
02-21-2010, 01:19 PM
I have wanted to get my plenum and cam covers refinished, so I contacted Jeff Flint and he gave me instructions for the process.



So far it has not been too bad I have my FSM and have been taking a lot of pics of the disassembly. I must admit the vacuum lines are quite intimidating ( I hope I can get them back together).



I took some pics of the injectors and wanted to know if they look normal. Car is a 94 with only has 28k.



Should I have Marc H. check these and test them?

Are there any tips or "do it while you are there" recommendations? All I have left to do is pull the brake booster then I can get the cam covers off and ship it all to Jeff.

02-21-2010, 02:13 PM
I hope I can get them back together.

Are there any tips or "do it while you are there" recommendations? All I have left to do is pull the brake booster then I can get the cam covers off and ship it all to Jeff.

Not to worry on getting it back together .........plenty of great help on this forum.

As for other tips or "do it while you are there"........:sign10:
The Z is an adult Erector Set :sign10:

Just check everything out under the plenum including starter, drain hole under starter, coil pack/coils (89 lb-in 2 small bolts, 19 lb-ft 2 large bolts), plug wires, vacuum lines, secondary canisters, check for oil leaks, cylinder case ventilation bolts (89 lb-in), secondary linkages, electrical plugs...........;)

For the most part, use blue loctite 242 or 262 (red) on almost everything :mrgreen: I am not using any loctite on the plenum bolts since I am taking the plenum off prolly once a month just for the fun of it :drunken_s

Oh...ya....get a couple of good torque wrenches (1/4 inch and 3/8 inch) since we are working primarily with aluminum threaded parts :thumbsup:

02-21-2010, 02:58 PM
All I have left to do is pull the brake booster then I can get the cam covers off and ship it all to Jeff.

No..........you do not have to pull brake booster to get the cam covers off. Or for that matter to get the heads off. ;)

Just remove nut on drivers side motor mount bolt and place jack with short 2x6 (lay flat between jack and oil pan) under oil pan. Jack engine up on drivers side about 3 inches more or less.

If the bolts on cam covers are the original torx, make sure you insert the torx wrench all the way into the top of the torx bolt and apply as much pressure as you can (pushing into the bolt) on the torx wrench as you break loose the torx bolt.

Now if you want to remove the heads without removing the brake booster, there is another trick on removing those long head bolts. There appears to be not enough room to extract them from the head without removing the brake booster :mrgreen:

rudolph schenker
02-21-2010, 03:27 PM
No..........you do not have to pull brake booster to get the cam covers off. Or for that matter to get the heads off. ;)

Just remove nut on drivers side motor mount bolt and place jack with short 2x6 (lay flat between jack and oil pan) under oil pan. Jack engine up on drivers side about 3 inches more or less.

If the bolts on cam covers are the original torx, make sure you insert the torx wrench all the way into the top of the torx bolt and apply as much pressure as you can (pushing into the bolt) on the torx wrench as you break loose the torx bolt.

Now if you want to remove the heads without removing the brake booster, there is another trick on removing those long head bolts. There appears to be not enough room to extract them from the head without removing the brake booster :mrgreen:
I would love not to remove the brake booster, as it is a major PITA! Thanks for the tip! I'll try it!:cheers:

02-21-2010, 06:06 PM
I took some pics of the injectors and wanted to know if they look normal. Car is a 94 with only has 28k.

Check the resistance of each injector. You should get around 13 to 14 Ohms on each of them ;)

02-22-2010, 10:31 AM
Looking at the pics, it seems your 2ndary actuators are installed 180 degrees rotated - a common factory mishap.
Some claim, 2ndary will come on stronger if this condition is corrected. However, I have seen posts that after being installed rotated for a long time, actuators will not function correct if rotated into correct position. If I were you, I would rotate them into correct orientation, apply vacuum w/ hand held pump and see if it allows 2ndary to open w/ less amount of vacuum and also if correct position will open the 2ndary flap wider.
I know, some will chime in and say just disconnect the system...:mrgreen:

02-22-2010, 11:07 AM
Just check everything out under the plenum including starter and drain hole under starter.

I would remove the coil frame with coils (4 bolts and do not drop the bolts) using a magnetic insert in my socket (89 lb-in 2 small bolts, 19 lb-ft 2 large bolts). I would then remove the starter (two bolts) and check the drain hole under starter which leads into a drain tube coming out just between the oil pan and bell housing (look underneath). Blow that hole out from the top with compressed air untill water drains freely.

Some guys drill a larger 3/8 inch hole to the drivers side of that drain hole out toward bell housing. I elected to not drill the second drain hole as I will just blow the original drain clean from the bottom of the drain tube once in a while with compressed air.

Use red Loctite 262 on two starter bolts when you reinstall starter and on four coil frame bolts when you reinstall the coils.

rudolph schenker
02-24-2010, 09:37 PM
Ok, I pulled the cam covers. I ended up removing the brake booster after all ( I guess I need the full experience). Not super difficult, but not easy either.

Maybe a dumb question, are there gaskets for the cam covers? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v737/rschenker/LT%205/104_1334.jpg

Removing the seat was a PITA




02-24-2010, 09:42 PM
Ok, I pulled the cam covers. I ended up removing the brake booster after all ( I guess I need the full experience). Not super difficult, but not easy either.

Maybe a dumb question, are there gaskets for the cam covers?

Whoa, you mean your cam covers didn't have gaskets ???? :jawdrop:

Just kidding, it's got a anerobic sealant between the head and cam cover flange to seal. Shoot me an email and I'll give you an updated schedule.

rudolph schenker
02-24-2010, 09:54 PM
I would remove the coil frame with coils (4 bolts and do not drop the bolts) using a magnetic insert in my socket (89 lb-in 2 small bolts, 19 lb-ft 2 large bolts). I would then remove the starter (two bolts) and check the drain hole under starter which leads into a drain tube coming out just between the oil pan and bell housing (look underneath). Blow that hole out from the top with compressed air untill water drains freely.

Some guys drill a larger 3/8 inch hole to the drivers side of that drain hole out toward bell housing. I elected to not drill the second drain hole as I will just blow the original drain clean from the bottom of the drain tube once in a while with compressed air.

Use red Loctite 262 on two starter bolts when you reinstall starter and on four coil frame bolts when you reinstall the coils.

I have not cleaned down by the drain hole yet, but it appeared open.


02-24-2010, 10:29 PM
I have not cleaned down by the drain hole yet, but it appeared open.

I would hit it with compressed air just to make sure....and get the leaves out :mrgreen:

Then make sure it drains freely with bit of water.......;)

You will prolly notice a small metal tube (less than 1/4 inch diameter) coming down just behind your oil pan in front of the bell housing if you look underneath...you should see water dripping out of that tube.

rudolph schenker
02-24-2010, 10:48 PM
I would hit it with compressed air just to make sure....and get the leaves out :mrgreen:

Then make sure it drains freely with bit of water.......;)

You will prolly notice a small metal tube (less than 1/4 inch diameter) coming down just behind your oil pan in front of the bell housing if you look underneath...you should see water dripping out of that tube.

Okay, thanks! :thumbsup:

02-24-2010, 11:10 PM
Can those pictures be any BIGGER,daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!Did you first remove the seat from the frame and then the frame form the car?This is the only way Ive ever takin the seats out of the car but I dont know if the seat bottom of a 94 comes out like the early cars.

rudolph schenker
02-25-2010, 12:13 AM
Can those pictures be any BIGGER,daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!Did you first remove the seat from the frame and then the frame form the car?This is the only way Ive ever takin the seats out of the car but I dont know if the seat bottom of a 94 comes out like the early cars.

The first pics I posted were too small, so I went bigger!:dontknow:

Yes I pulled the seat cushion, then the seat frame.

Paul Workman
02-25-2010, 05:33 AM
Looking at the pics, it seems your 2ndary actuators are installed 180 degrees rotated - a common factory mishap.
Some claim, 2ndary will come on stronger if this condition is corrected. However, I have seen posts that after being installed rotated for a long time, actuators will not function correct if rotated into correct position. If I were you, I would rotate them into correct orientation, apply vacuum w/ hand held pump and see if it allows 2ndary to open w/ less amount of vacuum and also if correct position will open the 2ndary flap wider.
I know, some will chime in and say just disconnect the system...:mrgreen:

Nnnnnaaaawwww....Why would anyone wanna do that???? Actuators, reservoirs, vacuum pumps, check valves, plastic plumbing, cracking rubber fittings, unnecessary complexity, eliminated in the 95 LT5 prototype, one if not THE most problematic item on the LT5...No way! It's part of the LT5's charm! ;)


Do that, and the next thing ya know someone will suggest tapping the IH and installing a brass plug (left edge of the pic) to shut off the coolant to the TB and make the plenum pull about as easy as removing a carburetor on a SBC. :jawdrop:

Some might suggest all that...But, I won't!:mrgreen:


rudolph schenker
04-20-2010, 02:28 PM
The new!!!!!!



rudolph schenker
04-20-2010, 02:32 PM



Now all I have to do is put it all back together!! :-({|=

04-20-2010, 02:32 PM
The new!!!!!!



Woooowww!!! BEAU-TEE-FUL!:thumbsup:

rudolph schenker
04-20-2010, 02:34 PM
Some progress.....



rudolph schenker
04-20-2010, 02:40 PM

Marc Haibeck did the refinishing (did a great job!).
Now I am sorting out the vacuum lines and checking them. I must admit the lines seem like a lot of extra work. Seems like the engineers could have simplified it! :rolleyes:

04-20-2010, 03:16 PM
I have not cleaned down by the drain hole yet, but it appeared open.

A wire cloths hanger straightened out with a small piece of cloth on the
end works great. Run it all the way through and back out like your cleaning a gun barrel.

04-20-2010, 04:53 PM

Marc Haibeck did the refinishing (did a great job!).
Now I am sorting out the vacuum lines and checking them. I must admit the lines seem like a lot of extra work. Seems like the engineers could have simplified it! :rolleyes:

The vacuum lines the first time out were abit scary but Ive pulled the plenum enough I think I could do it without any pictures.........but Ill take some just to be safe.I dont know if you have the plenum back on yet but Haibeck has a DVD for the system checks for the vacuum system as well as the fuel system for leaks.With the DVD you can watch the actuators for operation and pressurize the fuel system to check for leaks.

rudolph schenker
04-20-2010, 05:49 PM
The vacuum lines the first time out were abit scary but Ive pulled the plenum enough I think I could do it without any pictures.........but Ill take some just to be safe.I dont know if you have the plenum back on yet but Haibeck has a DVD for the system checks for the vacuum system as well as the fuel system for leaks.With the DVD you can watch the actuators for operation and pressurize the fuel system to check for leaks.

Thanks, I'll take the help. I took a lot of pics during the disassembly. They have really helped!

rudolph schenker
05-03-2010, 09:35 PM
Finally found time to finish it up....!!





05-04-2010, 10:24 AM
I'd be scared to drive that work of art!:cheers:

05-04-2010, 01:12 PM
Looks great! You're now an accomplished pro!

05-04-2010, 02:03 PM
Great job!:cheers:

rudolph schenker
05-04-2010, 11:29 PM
Thanks for the compliments and also thanks to those on this forum for all the information and help! :thumbsup:

05-05-2010, 06:51 AM
Thanks for the compliments and also thanks to those on this forum for all the information and help! :thumbsup:

Now that is what an LT5 is supposed to look like!




Paul Workman
05-05-2010, 06:15 PM
WooHoo!! Thatz beautymuss!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup: Nice...Very nice!


05-06-2010, 10:49 AM
Very nice looking LT5 for sure.