View Full Version : Excellent electric die grinder!

Paul Workman
02-21-2010, 10:51 AM
Had to replace my ol Craftsman POS die grinder. Ideally, my die grinder would have constant speed, plenty of torque(!), and a wide range of speed settings. All that and more...Check this out:

May I suggest the Makita GD0800 die grinder (http://www.makitauk.com/index.php?special=product_detail_popup&pid=117&catid=36):

I went with the Harbor Freight speed control for the Craftsman, but torque was piss poor as the speed was reduced...frustrating.

Not with the Makita! Worth some serious consideration if you want to do some serious porting. I still like my pneumatic Snap-on for the dynamic control...but that may change after I use the Makita some more!:dancing



02-21-2010, 11:03 AM
Nice looking piece! Good luck with it.

They make some nice tools.

flyin ryan
02-21-2010, 03:27 PM
Be careful with the Electric's....They can be wrist busters if they ever get away from you :neutral:. I've never had it happen to me but know of lots of guys who had. Personally I won't go near em'. Generally guys get over confident, that's when they'll bite ya'. Whatever works for you though Paul :).