View Full Version : F-1...Less than a month away

flyin ryan
02-14-2010, 11:54 PM
Looking forward to the 'New' F-1, just around the corner :happy1:.

02-15-2010, 06:08 PM
Is that the group that Danica drives in?

flyin ryan
02-15-2010, 10:06 PM
Danica's a swear word, isn't it :p.

02-21-2010, 10:51 AM
can't wait!:dancing

I can't wait to see what will happen with the reunion of Ross and Mike. Actually quite a few of the seat changes should bring something interesting to watch this season!:happy1:

02-21-2010, 10:56 AM
Is that the group that Danica drives in?

Rich, Danica drives in the IRL, Indy Racing League....unless they changed the name. It's an open wheel series, and the cars look like F1 cars.

She's trying her hand at NASCAR this year also. I think she's driving out of Little E's team....but not sure. I know she will do some Nationwide(?) series stuff.

flyin ryan
02-23-2010, 11:20 AM
Sounds like this US F1 deal is starting to turn into a bit of a chit-show :rolleyes:.

02-24-2010, 09:48 AM
Sounds like this US F1 deal is starting to turn into a bit of a chit-show :rolleyes:.

Yea, it's too bad. It seems like their financing took a bad turn. I was looking forward to seeing their effort.

I still can't wait for the season to start though!:dancing

flyin ryan
02-24-2010, 10:58 AM
Yea, it's too bad. It seems like their financing took a bad turn. I was looking forward to seeing their effort.

Don't know what it is for sure, money or time :icon_scra. Can't believe they would get this far into it & have a money problem, Not a couple of dumb guys, they know what this sport costs :confused:.

03-01-2010, 06:35 AM
I agree with you Ryan. I just figure that with the down turn starting in 08 and getting to be worse in 09 all that would parallel when USF1 would have been doing proto-typing? If the money started to bail on them due to "recession" reasons would they have told anyone? I would think that those guys would have kept that close so as not to spook any of the money that was still signed on. :dontknow:

It's a shame for the bad timing but I see the scramble for money taking place in even NASCAR's situation. Heck it's been going on there for two yrs already.

flyin ryan
03-02-2010, 01:00 PM
Now it sounds like one of the key principles, Peter Windsor, may have left the team & they have offered a 7 figure bond to F-1 so they will delay, but hold their spot on the grid until 2011...The room is spinning, please make it :stop:

flyin ryan
03-04-2010, 01:39 PM
It's official, USF1 is out for this year, for sure.

03-13-2010, 06:09 PM
It's official, USF1 is out for this year, for sure.

Vettle on pole - no disputing this guy's talent. Looking forward to how Shuey does tomorrow. What a great field this year!

03-14-2010, 01:36 AM
Looking forward to this season. We are prototyping our CER Carbon Ceramic Brakes and sponsoring and F1 team this year. :-D


03-14-2010, 01:49 PM
Is that a Sauber? Anyway, great for you guys!:thumbsup:

Oh well I guess the USF1 boys didn't have enough time to build their car from scratch. I would like to know why the management at F1 forbids the USF1 boys giving interviews about what happened. It would be nice to know.

Soooooo, what did you guys think of the race? I thought the race was going to be a bit boring at the front anyway. Vettle looked to be having the measure of everyone at the front till his exhaust cracked. I was kind of surprised that the Brawn team didn't do better in qualifying. The Ferrari boys look to be a bit more ready than McLaren or Brawn? I would have liked to see if Alonso could have caught up to Vettle without a broken exhaust.

The scraps from about mid pack to the back looked to be entertaining. I just wish they could some how show more of that stuff as those guys were having plenty of racing back there. Okay they were all 5 seconds or more off of the pace, but it's nice to watch people contest a position.


03-17-2010, 08:43 AM
Look at the nose (if not the color scheme), it's a Renault. :)

I thought for one of the most anticipated seasons in a long time, the race was incredibly boring. Nothing at the front changed until car trouble. Schumi never passed anyone on the track. There was some decent mid-pack action though as you say.

03-17-2010, 10:33 AM
Look at the nose (if not the color scheme), it's a Renault. :)

I thought for one of the most anticipated seasons in a long time, the race was incredibly boring. Nothing at the front changed until car trouble. Schumi never passed anyone on the track. There was some decent mid-pack action though as you say.

:sign10: Note to self.....reading is our friend!:o

I agree with you Bob, it really was hyped, over hyped? My man Schumi was looking a tad bit tentative? I guess I remember too many drives from the past. It's probably unfair on my part to expect Mike to "just drive up to the front" after his hiatus.

My only thought is with the restrictive testing, it puts a strain on development? Or maybe every one is being just a bit too cute....kind of trying not to show all their cards? I am suspicious of the big teams looking to find out what every one else has and not tip too much of their hand. It seemed to me that at any given time the big teams were going purple in various sectors and even having "personal" best laps and even fastest race laps but then sand bagging it? Probably not enough tire testing to get a read on how fast you can go, and how long you can go fast before you toast the tires completely. I'm not 100% sold on the rule about fueling. I understand the change from a safety point. However, it used to mean you could go harder because you had to come in anyway. :dontknow:

I am sure it is safe to say that by China, if you have it you better use it to get to the front to get maximum points. You don't want to fall too far off the lead too early.

flyin ryan
03-17-2010, 11:07 AM
I was staying away from reading these last few post's. Didn't finish watching the race till last night I recorded on PVR. Was pretty good. So far i'm not a big fan of no re-fueling though. Would rather they go hard from stop to stop. Turning into a little bit of an endurance race. Still good though :).

03-17-2010, 08:09 PM
I was very dissappointed. I predicted that the rule changes would make it even more of a procession than it used to be and sadly it looks to be the case. Most of the races were being won or lost on the refueling strategy - take that away and what's left? The only real 'drama' after the start was when Vettel's exhaust broke - not exactly 'racing'.