View Full Version : Finishing touches to head porting...

Paul Workman
12-27-2009, 10:40 AM
It's been a while since my head porting project started - punching a hole in the water jacket took a while to fix - but now it's time to clean up the area around the valve guides and put in some of the FBI's finishing touches.

With a relatively pointed burr, I was able to get right next to the guide and remove the little "bump" - the radius left by a larger diameter tool - and with a drum and flap sander on a Dremel, I am pleased with the results: Smooth transition around the guides - actually little or NO transition at all.

I love my pneumatic Snap-On die grinder with the extended snout. I have several others, but next to the Snap, the others are like a "bull in a China shop"!! I love the way I could just turn it on to a slow rpm for next to the guide work and gentle shaping and cleanup, and then instantly rev it up to high speed to gently wipe the radius of the bore with the straight side of the burr to clean up the ripples before sanding with the roll sanders again. With the air hose over my shoulder and my middle finger under the air leaver to regulate the travel and my index finger running the "throttle" and the combo of a fine - fluted burr, the setup really becomes a precision instrument, IMO. Some like (or think the do) the electric DGs. But, I'd be interested to get their opinion after trying a quality pneumatic.:thumbsup:

Pix later!


12-27-2009, 12:54 PM
Sounds great Paul. Nothing like doing things yourself and learning while at it. I don't have the guts or patience. You prove once again about using quality tools make jobs so much easier. Keep up the good work..........please post the pics when you get a chance. =D>

Paul Workman
12-27-2009, 08:35 PM
I attempted to pattern my porting pretty close to the "FBI" CNC pattern based on Pete's little monster. But, considering it was done by hand, it ain't exact, tho pretty close where it counts (I hope).

These are some "work in progress" pix. The porting itself is about 95% done, leaving some final cleanup and a minor repair and a sealing process before getting the valves ground and re-assembled (Woo Hoo!).

Looking down from the top of the head toward the valve guides, one can see the one on the right could use a little more TLC with the pointed burr.


Here's one of the ports, pretty much the way I want it, at this point. If you're familiar with the appearance of the stock heads, then you'll know that these are gonna breath a lot better.


Although this pic doesn't show it from this angle, the bowls have been "blended" to allow a smooth transition for the air column (the transition in the stock heads were punctuated with casting lines and some relatively abrupt (rough) corners). And, you can see the valves have been relieved a bit.


One other view "down the line"...


For those DIY's the porting was not overly difficult. But, there are many nuances to be considered, and it is always better to know them up front than after the fact (in a couple cases):rolleyes:; less repair work, that way. In the end, "the proof will be in the pudding", as they say.


12-27-2009, 09:56 PM
so when is the motor going back together?

Paul Workman
12-28-2009, 05:02 AM
so when is the motor going back together?

It depends now on time/availability of others. Left to do:

I will need to have the "eyebrows" over 3 of the valves filled in a bit so I can re-grind them to spec. (Note to self: Next time use a Dremel)
Pressure test (this week) and send one or both off to be sealed* as needed (*more on this later).
Off to machine shop to do the valve job
Then to Pete's for reassembly and timing.

IF all goes well (that would be a refreshing change!), mebby by month's end it will be back at home, ready to drop in!?:dancing Dropping it in will depend on temperatures - garage is not heated, and lying on freezing concrete is not my cuppa tea. But, I expect it will on the road with a vengeance, come first opportunity in early spring??


12-28-2009, 09:42 AM
Well, you did pull it on one of the hottest days, may as well drop it in on one of the coldest days.. :sign10:

Either way keep us posted on progress