View Full Version : Proposal for ZR-1 Registry Members

11-22-2009, 11:03 PM
Many of us (myself included) scour the internet for ZR-1 parts.
Many of us pay listing and selling fees. Many of us bid against one another. I typically don't pay selling fees because I'm always buying. The 4 or 5 items I did sell on Ebay, cost me listing fees and Paypal Fees when I would have preferred to just sell to a ZR-1 member if the price was right.

It has been said before that parts should be offered to ZR-1 members first. While this is nice, I know for a fact that parts are often not offered here first because of the low ball offers. Also, there are comments as to the prices are too high. The problem is nobody knows what a particular ZR-1 registry member has into a part. For example, I have a set of plug wires that I bought probably 6 years ago for almost $400. If I sell them, it won't be less then what I paid for them etc.

Now I know we have a for sale section, but if you look at some of those prices, to me they are "asking prices" not "selling prices" for a good majority of the stuff listed. Also, you really need to read through each post to see what exactly is for sale etc.

I know for a fact, there are some parts I want to sell and some new parts I want to buy, but I'm not going start a thread for that each and every time. Also, whether I sell or not would depend on if it was a decent offer.

I'd like to propose an online spreadsheet like in Excel, Google Docs that we can all go to see who is selling what and who needs what? What the price is and if it is negotiable? etc. I know people can just start a thread etc but it would be easier for all involved if it was in 1 concise spreadsheet. The sheet could also have the best deals on gaskets, fuel pump motors etc.

I'd be willing to take the time to start to compile something like this.
It could also include all our preferred vendors etc.

Yes, it would take time to do and yes many people may have to administer it but I think it would be helpful to all members.

Everyone could see who has what at any given time and it may even encourage friendships and more of a "Trade" approach rather then I have to get top dollar for the part etc. I know for myself personally, the few people I have bought stuff from (GOLDY) and sold to SGREG are the people I talk to more often. Also, I've had some good conversations with TomTom and BB62 and getting to know them better as well. Of course we always have the opportunity to go to Ebay as well.

The only reason I buy parts is so I don't get hammered in the retail market. I believe many of us do it for the same reason.

The problem is its addictive and hard to stop. I think Goldyclon can build a ZR-1 from his spare parts :)


flyin ryan
11-23-2009, 12:03 AM
Interesting concept.

11-23-2009, 01:07 AM
Would your proposal be through the paying members only area? If so, I think it is a great idea.

11-23-2009, 09:38 AM
If you are interested in spending the time and effort to manage a spreadsheet and thread, go for it.

However, some thoughts:

The "administrator" of the For Sale List has to be careful to avoid becoming the referee for all the complaints that occur when people buy and sell stuff.

If it is done on the ZR-1 Net Registry forum, ensure that the ZR-1 Net Registry does not become liable for any losses, real or perceived, that may occur.

When I sell something, I want my item to be the center of attention. (It's all about ME.) I would be hesitant to just add my item to a database list and hope someone sees it.

There is no "Members Only" section of the Forum.

Be aware that there are people on the Forum that will undercut a seller by contacting a potential buyer and offering the same part for a price below the advertised price. It happened to me.

Good luck,


11-23-2009, 09:59 AM
Be aware that there are people on the Forum that will undercut a seller by contacting a potential buyer and offering the same part for a price below the advertised price. It happened to me.
Good luck,

Something else I hate is when I answer a post for everyone to see, I say "ILL TAKE IT" before anyone else,.... then later get a PM saying "sorry item was sold" Its my belief that the first to answer a post and commit to buy publicly, should get the right to purchase before someone else who simply goes straight to PM. Its not like I say I'll take it, then disappear for 5 days..... I think the longest its ever taken me after a commit to buy, to get back to someone is a day.

11-23-2009, 10:09 AM
Something else I hate is when I answer a post for everyone to see, I say "ILL TAKE IT" before anyone else,.... then later get a PM saying "sorry item was sold" Its my belief that the first to answer a post and commit to buy publicly, should get the right to purchase before someone else who simply goes straight to PM. Its not like I say I'll take it, then disappear for 5 days..... I think the longest its ever taken me after a commit to buy, to get back to someone is a day.

Yep drives me nuts too

11-23-2009, 12:20 PM
[quote=QB93Z;75271]If you are interested in spending the time and effort to manage a spreadsheet and thread, go for it.

It would be the best way to have a quick inventory of parts etc.

However, some thoughts:

The "administrator" of the For Sale List has to be careful to avoid becoming the referee for all the complaints that occur when people buy and sell stuff.

I or noone else would be interested in doing that.

If it is done on the ZR-1 Net Registry forum, ensure that the ZR-1 Net Registry does not become liable for any losses, real or perceived, that may occur.

It would be the same as the list on the ZR-1 registry now. Buying & Selling has risks and nobody is responsible for them.

When I sell something, I want my item to be the center of attention. (It's all about ME.) I would be hesitant to just add my item to a database list and hope someone sees it.

If the List was good, everybody would go to it.

There is no "Members Only" section of the Forum.

Be aware that there are people on the Forum that will undercut a seller by contacting a potential buyer and offering the same part for a price below the advertised price. It happened to me.

Sad but that is always the case. I'm sure that happens right now, so nothing would be different with a better organized list. Actually the list could not even have pricing if desired, just the contact information.

Perhaps the forum software can even do a table as opposed to a list?

11-23-2009, 12:23 PM
Something else I hate is when I answer a post for everyone to see, I say "ILL TAKE IT" before anyone else,.... then later get a PM saying "sorry item was sold" Its my belief that the first to answer a post and commit to buy publicly, should get the right to purchase before someone else who simply goes straight to PM. Its not like I say I'll take it, then disappear for 5 days..... I think the longest its ever taken me after a commit to buy, to get back to someone is a day.

I agree and its BS, that is not how the rules should go. I had that happen at CF once. Another member saw what happened and said it was shitty. Said he would sell me his almost new C5 Exact Car Cover and include shipping. Made the situation better.

11-23-2009, 12:36 PM
It's funny, I have offered parts to have no interest, only to throw them up on ebay, and have them bid over what my asking amount was on the forums. Some parts it's hard to even put a value on. But most of time if you need a part and ask, somebody will respond that they have one.

11-23-2009, 12:49 PM
It's funny, I have offered parts to have no interest, only to throw them up on ebay, and have them bid over what my asking amount was on the forums. Some parts it's hard to even put a value on. But most of time if you need a part and ask, somebody will respond that they have one.

I think its Economics in motion - Supply & Demand. People want a steal on a part so they don't want to pay the asking price typically. When it goes to Ebay they bid to get a steal but they are bidding against one another which therefore drives up the price. For example years ago, you saw lots of spark plug wires being listed and owners kits, now you don't. When you do see them, people tend to bid them up more because they feel they are rare parts. This may or may not be true if we had a true inventory of parts.

Seems like this idea, did not go over so well. I think I will leave well enough alone.

11-23-2009, 12:51 PM
I was not talking about on a forum, but listed inside the members only section since there are many folks on here, but not paying members of the ZR-1 Net Registry. Just an added benefit of being a paying member is what I am saying.

I also agree with Jeff and I posted a few items for sale and see that many looks at the post, but no response days later. Then I put it on the Bay and buy it now from a member or it sells for higher than I thought.

12-06-2009, 07:36 AM
I think its Economics in motion - Supply & Demand. People want a steal on a part so they don't want to pay the asking price typically. When it goes to Ebay they bid to get a steal but they are bidding against one another which therefore drives up the price. For example years ago, you saw lots of spark plug wires being listed and owners kits, now you don't. When you do see them, people tend to bid them up more because they feel they are rare parts. This may or may not be true if we had a true inventory of parts.

Seems like this idea, did not go over so well. I think I will leave well enough alone.
You have a good idea to help other members out, we all need those hard to find items, I , as you know, have my own personal parts house of NOS parts for C4 both ZR1 and Standard. I have this and have been creating this for over ten years because I have seven C4's that will probably follow me to the grave. I want NOS parts to install on them when I need them...HOWEVER, if a member WHOM I KNOW - having actually met them at a meeting or otherwise, has always been welcome to my parts either at my cost, or a lot of times...for free, or take it now and replace it to me soon. What I am saying is: just ask if there is a part you have REALLY tried to find, not just call your local GM dealer of whatever, and can't , if I can help I will, but if I am going to sell a impossible part to find, to someone I don't know, I'm either gonna get top dollar or keep it on the shelf.