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View Full Version : Painting question, actually...

Paul Workman
11-21-2009, 08:19 AM
My wife Ami has a pearled C3 that has several rock chips and some flaking where some "flake" painted (the headlight doors) w/o proper prep.

I'm familiar with general prepping, and even painted a couple cars (does lacquer count?). I don't know squat about laying on a pearl paint job. But, can someone tell me about it? What are the steps, equipment needed, and what does it cost to do?

Thanks in advance.:happy1:



11-21-2009, 08:55 AM
Why don't lacquer count?:mrgreen:

Paul, over on CF on the main page towards the bottom they have a paint & body work sub-forum. There are some pros that hang there and are really free with the trade secrets. Sorry man that's all I can contribute to this conversation. :redface:

Does any body even make Lacquer paint any more?? I thought that stuff needed a permit of some kind to be used by a body shop?


12-02-2009, 10:57 PM

But single stage urethane will lay down nicely and look like the original lacquer. Enamel will look even more like the original lacquer without the hassle. Base/clear will be easiest, just wont look stock. You can make mistakes on the base and touch them up, and the clear will hide things while dust will come out if you color sand and buff. If you're going to do it yourself, get a half decent gun ($100 will get you going), and make sure your working environment is as dust free as you can. Dont forget the respirator!! Dont chince out there.

There's lots of info on the web about shooting a base/clear job. It doesnt have to cost a lot, and that link above will get you going fairly inexpensively. Good luck.