View Full Version : Happy Birthday ZR-1>>>

10-27-2009, 09:56 AM
Today is the documented 'born' date for my 90 ZR-1... it is officially now 20 years old :cheers:

10-27-2009, 11:16 AM
:occasion1 well happy birthday to your Z!:thumbsup:

10-27-2009, 11:49 AM
Today is the official 'born' date for my 90 ZR-1... it is officially now 20 years old :cheers:

One more year and I can take her out for a glass of Macallen 21! May I?:mrgreen:

10-27-2009, 01:34 PM
Today is the official 'born' date for my 90 ZR-1... it is officially now 20 years old :cheers:

That's cool Michael!


10-27-2009, 03:07 PM
Today is the official 'born' date for my 90 ZR-1... it is officially now 20 years old :cheers:
Congrats Michael on your baby's birthday!
Mine '90 is # 553...Do you think mine was also made today since it was only 13 in front of yours as they were moving down the assembly line?
I often think back to those days when I had placed a deposit and had an '89 ZR-1 on order. When they delayed the '89 and I needed a replacement car I got an '89 Caddie instead...It was the only Caddie in Calif in 1989 with licence plate "ZR1 LT5" that I had for my long awaited ZR-1.
Finally got the 1st ZR-1 in late '91.
An even greater event in my memory was the performance of a '90 ZR-1 in the 24 hour endurance where it took 3 world and 12 international records.
Some of the records cited have now been claimed to be broken by Volkswagen with a built a single-purpose car for the effort but, the last I heard, ther're still waiting on FIA certification; you can't go buy one of those cars off the showroom floor! :blahblah: :cheers: :worship:

10-27-2009, 04:50 PM
Mine '90 is # 553...Do you think mine was also made today since it was only 13 in front of yours

Maybe...what does your build sheet say for date (located in middle top of the sheet>>


That date is NOT the born date but start of production....but if same or close to same then most definitely a possible same born date.

10-31-2009, 02:10 PM
my first one was #354 and it was built on the 19th of october 89 very cool

10-31-2009, 08:50 PM
Happy b-day to the ZR-1. Mine was built Jan 06/1990.

10-31-2009, 10:35 PM
There is also a "build date" typically in crayon (up side down) on the rear bumper subframe. Mine is on the right side. Drop the spare tire tub to see it.

I have never compared that date to my build sheet, will have to dig it out.

Regardless all us 1990 Z owners will soon be celebrating.


10-31-2009, 11:15 PM
The final 'born' date was penciled in on the front left hood (see red arrow) and it was 10 27 89 (it is there just not clear in the pic)...

flyin ryan
11-01-2009, 01:39 AM
Got more years than miles, doesn't it Michael :confused:, :mrgreen:.

11-01-2009, 12:12 PM
The final 'born' date was penciled in on the front left hood (see red arrow) and it was 10 27 89 (it is there just not clear in the pic)...

MICHAEL, WOW! Thanks much. As many times as I've looked at that hood I never noticed that white lettering until I saw your post!
Mine says "10 27-89 4". Wonder what the 4 means.
Anyway our cars started down the assembly line on the same date???or does that mean the assembly was finished on that date??
The build date on the driver door sticker shows Nov 89

11-01-2009, 01:33 PM
Well I will be damn...we have two ZRs that were completed (born) on the same date...that is what that penciled number means...date it cleared assembly :cheers: