View Full Version : What is the best oil for the beast.

10-25-2009, 06:35 PM
I have a 1990 ZR-1 with only 7500 miles. So far I have been using Mobil-1. I read that most oil companies removed the zinc from the oil formulations because it destroys the catalytic converters but zinc was the ingredient that afforded the most protection to the cams. Does anyone have any ideas what the best oil would be for the beast? I heard that Hy-per lube sells a zinc replacement additive, but you need 2 bottles at twenty bucks each for the 12 quart capacity LT-5. I want to use the best oil available, without resorting to expensive additives that may or may not work. Any input from my Beast Brothers?

10-25-2009, 06:42 PM
Here is a good one, highly recommended by people who know.http://www.amsoil.com/storefront/amo.aspx

10-25-2009, 07:00 PM
Yep..do a bit of 'search' and your find a load of discussion about lubricants etc. For many (including me) the conclusion is the Amsoil AMO syn 10-40 high zinc is the way to go

10-25-2009, 08:43 PM
I use Redline because it has similar ZDDP levels to the oil the Z was spec'd at. And also I can buy it locally. The idea of having oil delivered just doesn't do it for me.

10-25-2009, 09:33 PM
Amzoil AMO 10-40 and a Bosch filter for me. I think Redline would be great too, but they want $11 a quart around here for it.

Paul Workman
10-26-2009, 05:19 AM
I'm also using the AMO 10-40 with the added zinc. But, it is at $100+ per oil change on the Z, if I do it myself!

Marc Hiabeck did a nice article in "The Heart of the Beast", back about - wazzit 2 years ago? Might do a search. Very well thought out article, and the ZR-1 is Marc's "rice bowl" (so I pay attention when Marc makes a recommendation...or later wish I had, on occation!!).


10-26-2009, 08:08 AM
the amsoil is great stuff, and the M1 extended has the higher zinc if you are concerned

the LT5 has pretty light spring pressure and a generous lifter

once broken in, I'm not 100% positive how essential the high zinc is but it certainly seems like it's wise and can't hurt

10-26-2009, 08:55 AM
Marc Hiabeck did a nice article in "The Heart of the Beast", back about - wazzit 2 years ago? Might do a search. Very well thought out article, and the ZR-1 is Marc's "rice bowl" (so I pay attention when Marc makes a recommendation...or later wish I had, on occation!!).


http://www.zr1specialist.com/HAT%20Web/articles/Modern%20Motor%20Oil%20and%20the%20LT5%20Engine.pd f
I think this is it Paul.

10-26-2009, 12:17 PM
I'm using Castrol GTX 15W-40 Diesel. Has all the ZDDP necessary based on the discussions in this forum and the list serv. $4/qt.

10-26-2009, 05:16 PM
Amsoil & a Wix filter

11-04-2009, 11:21 PM
http://www.zr1specialist.com/HAT%20Web/articles/Modern%20Motor%20Oil%20and%20the%20LT5%20Engine.pd f
I think this is it Paul.

Thanks for the link. It looks like Marc also recommends Amsoil 10W-40.


11-06-2009, 01:02 PM
Thanks for the link. It looks like Marc also recommends Amsoil

You would, too, if you were an Amsoil dealer like he is :rolleyes:

11-06-2009, 03:49 PM
Having done some research on the subject, I concluded zinc and phosphate content of Mobil 1 (typical off the shelf versions with SM designation) has gone down from SG and SH version.
Mobil itself acknowledges this and recommends 0W40 0r 15W50 racing oil for flat tappet high performance engine.
Where it gets a little questionable is our stock LT5, as far as I know, does not exert high pressure on cam lobe relative to typical high performance small block w/ after market valve springs.
I have just changed my oil w/ 5W30 Mobil 1 so rather than drain and refill I have ordered ZDDPlus oil additive.
Starting with next oil change I am seriously considering switching over to Amsoil or continue to augument Mobil 1 w/ ZDDPlus. I would rather replace my cats than have cam failure.
Also, having actually met and talked to Marc, I give him a lot more credit than say Caroll pushing Zmax.

11-08-2009, 12:34 PM
I got curious on the subject and did some web searches.
A few interesting observations I have made are;

1. There has been reduction of ZDDP in Mobil 1 when they went to SM.
2. A lot of classic car folks with flat tappets are concerned about reduction in ZDDP and it's effect on cam shaft.
3. Even Mobil agrees with this concern and recommend 15W50 which has 1200 ppm of zinc and phosphate.
4. There are a few websites comparing Mobil 1 vs. Amsoil but most seems to be either directly or indirectly posted by Amsoil.
5. One of the independent test shows Amsoil gaining weight as the mileage increases. http://neptune.spacebears.com/cars/stories/amsoil.html

This whole subject is getting too confusing and tough to nail down.
So, I decided that I will stay with Mobil 1 5W30 and add a bottle of ZDDPlus to augment additional ZDDP as a safety measure based on availability and cost.

One interesting claim based on per 1000 mile analysis of oil, namely Mobil 1, is that "most engine wear occurs in first 3000 miles following the oil change". This, according to the article, was also supported by SAE paper. Any thoughts on this?:icon_scra

11-11-2009, 02:12 AM
Just out of curiosity I thought Id try the Amsoil with the Bosch filter to see if it would quit down the cam chains at start up.Surprise,it did so Im sold on the stuff.10 quarts cost me less than $90.

11-11-2009, 06:52 AM
Exact same results as Jeff... When I got the ZR it had intermittent chain rattle...changed oil to Amsoil with Bosch filter and rattle ceased now allowing me to hear the clutch noise at engine shut down :mrgreen:

11-11-2009, 08:52 AM
You would, too, if you were an Amsoil dealer like he is :rolleyes:
That's kind of a disparaging comment. Marc was not an Amsoil dealer to start with, for one. He works on a lot of Z's, the oil is not available locally, so it makes sense to become a "dealer" for convenience.

I've never seen him try to sell oil specifically. He doesn't try to make money as an Amsoil dealer.

I've also never seen him suggest Amsoil was superior to anything else (certainly not to the degree I've seen people tout Redline.) Simply that it's a quality oil that fills the bill in terms of the LT5's original spec.

*Disclaimer: I've used Marc for work on my car. Also I use Redline oil. And I put oil and vinegar on sub sandwiches. And possibly I own some mutual funds that might have some oil company holdings...

11-11-2009, 08:58 AM
I was not trying to be rude. I do not play that game. I was just stating a factor as to why a person would "push" Amsoil. I think Amsoil is a good oil but I, too, am on the fence as to the "best" oil. I run Redline, personally with NO problems and have for 8 years. :cheers:

11-11-2009, 12:38 PM
I don't know if the good characteristics Molybdenum does what it is suppose to, or maybe too much gets wasted:dontknow:,but if it does Redline has high levels of it. Oil reports show levels of 300 to 600 when looking at 10w/30 and 10w/40. I haven't been able to find Moly in other oils, haven't looked at Klotz though. http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=62

Mines staying together so far running Redline, with 2500 track miles at 230-250 oil temps, staying between 4000 and 6500 rpm. It's had Redline for 10000 miles since engine teardown. Hopefully it will not need to come apart again for a long time:pray, except for upgrades, but if it does I'll report back on engine wear.

11-11-2009, 05:40 PM
I don't know if the good characteristics Molybdenum does what it is suppose to, or maybe too much gets wasted:dontknow:,but if it does Redline has high levels of it. Oil reports show levels of 300 to 600 when looking at 10w/30 and 10w/40. I haven't been able to find Moly in other oils, haven't looked at Klotz though. http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=62

Mines staying together so far running Redline, with 2500 track miles at 230-250 oil temps, staying between 4000 and 6500 rpm. It's had Redline for 10000 miles since engine teardown. Hopefully it will not need to come apart again for a long time:pray, except for upgrades, but if it does I'll report back on engine wear.

It seems Molybdenum is an anti-wear additive. Mobil 1, 5W30 seems to have about 80 ppm.

11-12-2009, 07:55 AM
I was not trying to be rude. I do not play that game. I was just stating a factor as to why a person would "push" Amsoil.
It definitely read that way to me, especially with the sarcastic eye-rolling smilie. But thanks for clarifying your intent. :cheers:

11-12-2009, 01:09 PM
It seems Molybdenum is an anti-wear additive. Mobil 1, 5W30 seems to have about 80 ppm.

That's the first I've seen Mobil adding Moly, I wonder if they put it in their other oils besides the super-syn. Maybe the moly helps with their lowered levels of phospherous and zinc.

11-12-2009, 02:09 PM
That's the first I've seen Mobil adding Moly, I wonder if they put it in their other oils besides the super-syn. Maybe the moly helps with their lowered levels of phospherous and zinc.

That's my guess.

11-18-2009, 03:23 PM
I recently switched my 92' Z to Mobil 1 high mileage formula, not because of high mileage (it has 41,000 miles) but I've always used M1 10w30 since new, M1 HM has plenty of zinc and also seal conditioners which I feel is important to our aging engines. I also used the Bosch oil filter. I get my M1 at Wally world so for a complete change oil is less than $50.00:thumbsup:

richard sanderson
01-05-2010, 12:50 PM
I am in Spain and the Mobil 1 that is available here is either 0w40 or 5w50. Anybody got any ideas which (if either) would be best for the LT5?

02-15-2010, 08:17 AM
I am in Spain and the Mobil 1 that is available here is either 0w40 or 5w50. Anybody got any ideas which (if either) would be best for the LT5?

Richard, my friend Ramon (our local LT5 specialist) uses both of them. Now I'm with 5W50 and no issues at all so I feel both choices are good. I wish some day I find a good explanation for the different oil grades between the US and Europe.

Jim Nolan
02-15-2010, 11:17 AM
It's my understanding that the only Mobil 1 that contains zinc is 15W50, which is the lube for our cams.

93 ZR1 Barcelona
02-21-2010, 02:14 PM
I am in Spain and the Mobil 1 that is available here is either 0w40 or 5w50. Anybody got any ideas which (if either) would be best for the LT5?

Hello Richard.

Nice to hear from a ZR-1 owner in Spain.

About the Mobil 1 thing, I use Mobil 1 5W50 for my Corvette. The Mobil 1 grades you will find in Spain will not be the same that are available in the US (which are ALL). I suppose it's a weather temperatures or commercial issue.

I have been using for more than 2 years, from when I bought my ZR-1 in the US, the Mobil 1 5W50 without any problems. I also use it in the ZF manual transmission, and works OK.

I have done about 40.000 Km in the last 2 years and without trouble.

You can also find Mobil 1 0W40 in Spain, but its price is more expensive than the 5W50, so I switched to 5W50. And theoricaly it has a wider temperature usage.
