View Full Version : How things went at the strip.
10-25-2009, 01:27 AM
You'd better pull some popcorn for this one.:happy1:
I paid the $30 bucks and got my tech card. Went to start it and that sorry SOB of a starter decided to flip me the bird and wouldn't start after a week 1/2 of starting just fine after the first time it got stuck. I couldn't believe this crap. You've got to be freakin kidding me I said to myself. So I got these two big 6'5 tall guys to try to help me push start it. After two tries those poor guys were tired. I was done before I even got started. Called the wrecker to come out and get me $145. An hour after I called the wrecker I gave it one more try with the key and the damn thing started. Called back and cancelled. There was no way I was going to take a chance and turn that thing off again. If I had to go to the bathroom I left it running. When I went inside to get a hot dog and a coke I left it running. So of course I was not able to turn it off between runs to let the car cool off so it was running on the hot side of the temp.
So I had several things going against me from the get go. Hot engine temp. Car is running rich from the porting and no headers. And the car has never been tuned. Trying to launch with the Fidanza was a bit more tricky than I anticipated. Launch at to low of RPM's and that car boggs down to almost 0 rpm's before picking back up but by that time the other guy is half way down the track. Launch at to high rpm's and you just cook the tires. I had a real hard time finding that sweet spot for launching. I know the car has more power than before. But getting it to hook up is the tricky part. And I know all three of the first factors make a difference. The latter is driver skill and more sticky tires. So I made 8 runs. The car was on solid for at least four hours and was never shut off until my azz was back in my garage. So this is all I was able to do. I just could not get my tires to stick good. And I was hoping for better times but it just wasn't in the cards for me tonight. It was fun though.
The guy that beat me on the right was in a 2008 ZO6. Kept up with him almost half way down the track but after that he just pulled ahead of me.
I was surprised there were allot of 11 sec cars I was going up against. I tried my best guy's to do use proud. I'm sure next time will be better with headers a tune and and a new starter that I can shut the car off with between runs.:thumbsup:
10-25-2009, 06:34 AM
Man that does stink about the starter issues. You did say that you still had fun, right? That's the important part of all of this so I'd be smiling all the way home.
I think hanging with a C6/ ZO6 until the top end of the track, and he has traction control too, would make me look like this :mrgreen:
I think the results are outstanding!
flyin ryan
10-25-2009, 02:09 PM
Decent time considering the not so great 60' & MPH...& the fact you were pissed off didn't help :redface:.
10-25-2009, 03:59 PM
Decent time considering the not so great 60' & MPH...& the fact you were pissed off didn't help :redface:.I know. My engine temp would go up to 240 degrees waiting in line and I'm sure that caused the ECM to retard the timing a bit. Out of 8 runs I didn't have one launch that I was happy with. Once I would make it out of the sketchy launches that motor would just wind up and I was getting 1 2 3 4 5 gear tire scratch when shifting into the next gear which didn't happen with the duel mass. But getting out of the whole was just killing my times and mile per hour. If I would have achieved a good launch I would have probably pulled a 12.7@113mph. But shoulda coulda woulda. So even with headers and a good Corey henderson toon if I was having trouble getting traction now I'll really have a hard time getting traction then. To me the launch is everything. And when you get a good one you know it. Those tires just dig in and that rear end squats a bit then its just a matter of pounding through the gears.
10-25-2009, 07:33 PM
rick ,maybe you can borrow a set of drag radials from someone. trying to launch your car with street tires now is just too dicey. what you need to do is when funds become available get the headers and that will finish her off . on the good side you at least got into the the way you gutted her out when the starter acted up :thumbsup:
10-25-2009, 08:11 PM
rick ,maybe you can borrow a set of drag radials from someone. trying to launch your car with street tires now is just too dicey. what you need to do is when funds become available get the headers and that will finish her off . on the good side you at least got into the the way you gutted her out when the starter acted up :thumbsup: Yea the whole 40 min drive home I kept thinking damn Brad was getting the white Z in the 12.4-12.5 sec range consistently even before Corey did the killer tune on it. But I had to remember that you also have 3.92 rear gears and headers and top end porting which probably makes the 4 tenths of a second difference. So I didn't feel like such a failure after that.
10-25-2009, 09:23 PM
Nice run, your temperature definitely affected the outcome.
10-25-2009, 09:28 PM
To me the launch is everything. And when you get a good one you know it. Those tires just dig in and that rear end squats a bit then its just a matter of pounding through the gears.
Yep, I knew it on this one. Hit really hard on the launch.
#458 time slip. (Clutch was slipping a little too)!!!
K&N Filter w/ Open Air Cleaner Lid
Marc Haibeck Chip
Watson 1 7/8 Headers - No Cats
Flowmaster Cat Back System
Goodyear GS-D3's
That's it folks.
NHRA corrected would have been a 12.12 at sea level. That's pretty stout for the mods. No?
10-25-2009, 09:53 PM
See now thats more in the ballpark of what I was hoping for. But I'm still running the stock exhaust manifolds with stock cats and Borla exhaust which doesn't compliment the top end porting very well. When I told Corey about what happened he just laughed. He said don't worry Rick. I'm fabing up three sets of Jeal headers and the third set is for you. Once they are on the car then I'll tune it properly and that car will just come alive. But that I might have to move up to sticker tires to get grip.
10-25-2009, 10:01 PM
No doubt. Make sure your u-joints are in good shape when you do step up. I replaced the clutch in #458 and added a Fidanza after that run. First launch it reared up and popped a half shaft joint. Never ran it after that as I bought #473 and didn't want to chance breaking anything else.
If you were following the posts, the new owner drove that car 10,400 miles with no problems to the drivetrain. Since then, he was home and stopped at a gas station. When he went to leave the clutch was solid. haven't heard anything from him since then as to what the problem might have been.
10-25-2009, 10:25 PM
Got that covered. Installed all 6 brand new Spicers last year. I just want to get a couple of good time slips with good numbers. Then I won't be taking it to the drag strip much anymore. Because lets face it drag racing just beats the crap out of your clutch and you U-joints. And I don't feel like replacing that stuff twice a year.
flyin ryan
10-25-2009, 11:58 PM
Yep, I knew it on this one. Hit really hard on the launch.
#458 time slip. (Clutch was slipping a little too)!!!
K&N Filter w/ Open Air Cleaner Lid
Marc Haibeck Chip
Watson 1 7/8 Headers - No Cats
Flowmaster Cat Back System
Goodyear GS-D3's
That's it folks.
NHRA corrected would have been a 12.12 at sea level. That's pretty stout for the mods. No? timeslip picture turned out pretty clear considering it's framed in your it your 'Extra' motivation when needed :o. John & I have talked about this before, I'd like to see anything that come's even within a tenth of this run, equal mods to equal mods. Was stout then, is stout now :worship:. There's no magic, but that car had something going on.
10-26-2009, 01:34 AM
thats an excellent run with those mods . using the da calculator my run with the blk 90 of 12.10 @119.47 corrected to11.685@123.808 dont have a way to post the timeslip but the run is on u tube. which rick shows you the possiblities your car will have once you get headers. also where you run will have a much better da than where i run .where the da is almost allways between 2800 -3500 ft.
10-26-2009, 01:59 PM
You'd better pull some popcorn for this one.:happy1:
I paid the $30 bucks and got my tech card. Went to start it and that sorry SOB of a starter decided to flip me the bird and wouldn't start after a week 1/2 of starting just fine after the first time it got stuck. I couldn't believe this crap. You've got to be freakin kidding me I said to myself. So I got these two big 6'5 tall guys to try to help me push start it. After two tries those poor guys were tired. I was done before I even got started. Called the wrecker to come out and get me $145. An hour after I called the wrecker I gave it one more try with the key and the damn thing started. Called back and cancelled. There was no way I was going to take a chance and turn that thing off again. If I had to go to the bathroom I left it running. When I went inside to get a hot dog and a coke I left it running. So of course I was not able to turn it off between runs to let the car cool off so it was running on the hot side of the temp.
So I had several things going against me from the get go. Hot engine temp. Car is running rich from the porting and no headers. And the car has never been tuned. Trying to launch with the Fidanza was a bit more tricky than I anticipated. Launch at to low of RPM's and that car boggs down to almost 0 rpm's before picking back up but by that time the other guy is half way down the track. Launch at to high rpm's and you just cook the tires. I had a real hard time finding that sweet spot for launching. I know the car has more power than before. But getting it to hook up is the tricky part. And I know all three of the first factors make a difference. The latter is driver skill and more sticky tires. So I made 8 runs. The car was on solid for at least four hours and was never shut off until my azz was back in my garage. So this is all I was able to do. I just could not get my tires to stick good. And I was hoping for better times but it just wasn't in the cards for me tonight. It was fun though.
The guy that beat me on the right was in a 2008 ZO6. Kept up with him almost half way down the track but after that he just pulled ahead of me.
I was surprised there were allot of 11 sec cars I was going up against. I tried my best guy's to do use proud. I'm sure next time will be better with headers a tune and and a new starter that I can shut the car off with between runs.:thumbsup:
Did you bypass the clutch switch ? More likely to be the problem than the starter. Low battery also causes problems.
10-26-2009, 05:34 PM
Did you bypass the clutch switch ? More likely to be the problem than the starter. Low battery also causes problems.
The previous owner had already taken care of that for me. I don't have to press down on the clutch peddle to start the car.
10-26-2009, 05:45 PM
rick ,i bought a napa rebuild 4 yeras ago and its still going strong
10-26-2009, 08:07 PM
That timeslip picture turned out pretty clear considering it's framed in your it your 'Extra' motivation when needed :o. John & I have talked about this before, I'd like to see anything that come's even within a tenth of this run, equal mods to equal mods. Was stout then, is stout now :worship:. There's no magic, but that car had something going on.
Thanks Ryan. Boise is at an elevation of 2,700 ft. The DA is always more than that, usually in 4,400 ft range.
10-26-2009, 08:44 PM
rick ,i bought a napa rebuild 4 yeras ago and its still going strongBrad when my starter got stuck the first time Autozone said they would have it ready to pick up at 2:00pm that day. But when I gave mine a couple of whacks and it turned over I decided I didn't need it BECAUSE MINE WORKS FINE NOW. Boy was that a mistake. Shoulda just got it and installed it and been done with it. My alternator went out 1 1/2 weeks ago and replaced it. Now my starter got one foot in the grave. This stuff could be the original stuff and its time to replace it now.
10-26-2009, 11:33 PM
Car is running rich from the porting and no headers. And the car has never been tuned.
So what have you done to the car to add more fuel to make it rich?
Nice run.
flyin ryan
10-27-2009, 12:09 AM
So what have you done to the car to add more fuel to make it rich?
:confused:, :happy1:.
flyin ryan
10-27-2009, 12:10 AM
The DA is always more than that, usually in 4,400 ft range.I believe it. Thats why I wanted to go in Oct., LOL.
10-27-2009, 12:10 AM
So what have you done to the car to add more fuel to make it rich?
Nice run. After the top end porting I swapped the stock chip with a Haiback chip that was tuned for top end porting and headers. And was told in advance that it might run a bit rich since I'm still running the stock manifolds and cats. And it would seem they are right. I can smell it.
I guess under the circumstances that run wasn't terrible. Engine temp at 240. No headers or a tune. And as far as the running rich goes I don't know what that would effect other than eventually fowling the plugs.
10-28-2009, 08:31 AM
I can certainly understand your problem with hot no start. In 1999 or 2000 at Bowling Green, I had to do the same thing. We had the strip that day and I let #364 run all day. I made between 20 -25 passes with different passengers. In all, I think the car was not turned off for about 4 or 5 hours. It was a blast. At that time I think it was turning high 12's. I do remember that it was a hot day but #364 never overheated.
10-28-2009, 06:54 PM
After the top end porting I swapped the stock chip with a Haiback chip that was tuned for top end porting and headers. And was told in advance that it might run a bit rich since I'm still running the stock manifolds and cats. And it would seem they are right. I can smell it.
I guess under the circumstances that run wasn't terrible. Engine temp at 240. No headers or a tune. And as far as the running rich goes I don't know what that would effect other than eventually fowling the plugs. rick , dont worry that prom will be just fine once you get the headers on the car .it will be interesting to see if corey needs to tune it more after the headers. remember that prom made 409.9rwhp on my blk car . its a hiabeck prom that corey retuned after doing my porting . the prom after porting and before coreys tuning made 383wrhp and corey brought it up to the 409.9 by adding fuel and pulling out 2 deg. of timming
10-28-2009, 07:15 PM
Thanx Brad. I also figured out why I had high idle. When I pulled up to the light on my way back home from the drags my idle was about 1500 like it had been since I put everything back together. So I did what I use to do with a holley carb when it would do that. Just gave the gas peddle a little quick tap with my toe and it went down to 850 like normal. I didn't put any kind of lube on the throttle rod when I re assymbled it. Just needed a little shot of silicone grease and it opens and closes smoothly now. No big mystery with that one.
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